Leaf discoloration... problems?


Well-Known Member
I have four plants 5 weeks from 12/12 flip. I'm in soil with a mix of hps and t5 lights. I used all purpose nutes till about week 3 flower then switched to bloom (15-30-15).

I see tiny copper spots here and there, not widespread. Mostly the lower leaves on one plant have this mottled look. On the one plant that has about 3-4 weeks left , the discoloration is appearing on the top leaves coming off the main cola.

I suspect a micro nute deficiency... I'd like some pro opinions before I do anything drastic.




This is the whole plant and the main cola....

Problem5.jpg Problem6.jpg

This is a different plant but the same issue on the top leaves.....



Well-Known Member
The 15-30-15 happen to be MG?

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Yes, lol... its miracle grow. I know there's better, but for this grow I am on a serious budget. If I can't buy it at Wal-Mart or Home Depot, its not going to happen until I have more money. Any cheap alternatives to MG that you can think of?


Well-Known Member
Here is a chart also

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I don't see anything on that chart that looks like my issue. I thought MAYBE manganese... which I think you can get from too much Magnesium. I had a mag deficiency early so I've been adding epsom salts to almost every water... maybe too much? I had flushed really well about a week ago though... this started after that. At first I was starting to wonder if its just from being wet (after the flush and shower) and then going back under the lights before they were dry.... but that last pic has me concerned since its more evenly spread and near the top.


Well-Known Member
Im no expert but i believe its a calcium problem, someone with more knowledge feel free to correct me on this one.
I need to look into that more. There's quite a bit of cal in my tap water and there's some in my ferts as well but maybe there's some lockout going on.

Thanks for the replies... I'll let you know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
I made it to the store and finally got a bottle of Superthrive. I also found a little better fert. Its an Orchid Bloom formula but the NPK levels look better than MG.. 11-35-15. I sprayed them all down with the Superthrive (1 drop/4ozs) The Orchid ferts have magnesium in it already so thats probably way better than my epsom salts. The only thing I dont see is calcium.

I see plenty of new growth and the buds are filling in fast so I'm not going to worry too much. I'll give them a good soak with this new stuff and let them be for a few days.


Well-Known Member
I made it to the store and finally got a bottle of Superthrive. I also found a little better fert. Its an Orchid Bloom formula but the NPK levels look better than MG.. 11-35-15. I sprayed them all down with the Superthrive (1 drop/4ozs) The Orchid ferts have magnesium in it already so thats probably way better than my epsom salts. The only thing I dont see is calcium.

I see plenty of new growth and the buds are filling in fast so I'm not going to worry too much. I'll give them a good soak with this new stuff and let them be for a few days.
You probably will never see the affected leaves turn back green. The important thing is keeping an eye on new growth and making sure its green and healthy.


Well-Known Member
I just learned WAY more than I ever thought I'd need to about fertilizer.


The orchid stuff is definitely better and I mixed some good organic soil on top... i have too much perlite and crappy bark based potting soil. I think its too late in flower to transplant them now so I'm just hoping to get these through to the end.

Thanks for your help, i really appreciate the replies!


Well-Known Member
I just learned WAY more than I ever thought I'd need to about fertilizer.


The orchid stuff is definitely better and I mixed some good organic soil on top... i have too much perlite and crappy bark based potting soil. I think its too late in flower to transplant them now so I'm just hoping to get these through to the end.

Thanks for your help, i really appreciate the replies!
Going to check that link out myself. You can never stop learning new stuff!