leaf edges are curling upward please help


See the edges curling up,I put them in the cups 4 days ago ,I ran out of food so I've only fed them cal mag ,orca beneficial bacteria ,ph meter broke so don't know the ph,there under 1000 watt mh,light is 4-5 foot from plant ,plenty of ventilation and air flow,no fans directly on plants,rooms pretty cold 70 degrees when lights on ,60 when lights off ,I do have a few fungus gnats in the room,out off 90 plants 30 are showing these signs ,any help would be great thanks
Oops almost forgot there in canna coco


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3568965
See the edges curling up,I put them in the cups 4 days ago ,I ran out of food so I've only fed them cal mag ,orca beneficial bacteria ,ph meter broke so don't know the ph,there under 1000 watt mh,light is 4-5 foot from plant ,plenty of ventilation and air flow,no fans directly on plants,rooms pretty cold 70 degrees when lights on ,60 when lights off ,I do have a few fungus gnats in the room,out off 90 plants 30 are showing these signs ,any help would be great thanks
Oops almost forgot there in canna coco
We need more info., how old is the female? What type of lights are u using? Watts and spectrum? Water and feeding schedules? Ph? Ec? U need to get those to grow in coco by law., rt/rh? Also is that aluminum foil? If so that doesn't help., the more info u give the more help you'll get. GL


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3568965
See the edges curling up,I put them in the cups 4 days ago ,I ran out of food so I've only fed them cal mag ,orca beneficial bacteria ,ph meter broke so don't know the ph,there under 1000 watt mh,light is 4-5 foot from plant ,plenty of ventilation and air flow,no fans directly on plants,rooms pretty cold 70 degrees when lights on ,60 when lights off ,I do have a few fungus gnats in the room,out off 90 plants 30 are showing these signs ,any help would be great thanks
Oops almost forgot there in canna coco
Why do the Edges of a Cannabis Plant Curl?

By nevash May 10, 2013 4732 Views Leave a comment Go to comments

This is a common occurrence that many Cannabis farmers will come across at one point or the other, and it is for this reason that it is important to understand what leads to curling of the leaves. In some cases, only a few select plants exhibit the phenomenal where the leaves curl inwards. For instance you could have only 3 plants out of 20 with the said problem. What are some of the things that you should be on the look out for in such a scenario? Is humidity to blame? What about the amount of light the plants are exposed to?

Notice how the edges of the Cannabis leaves fold inwards

The first thing that you must work you must work to rule out is the fact that the plant is receiving optimal conditions for proper growth. That means that the nutrient supply is adequate and that the plant is generally not lacking any crucial nutrients. After this, the next thing to watch out for is heat stress as this is likely the cause of the inward curling of the leaves. When Cannabis plants are exposed to excessive heat, the serrated edges will tend to fold inwards. The same thing is seen when the plants are too close to the grow lights as this tends to create hot spots.

You should also look out for humidity as this is a reason why the Cannabis leaves tend to curl sometimes. There is a difference however when the leaves of the plant curl as a result of low humidity. In the latter, the curling often causes the leaves to fold at the centre, and will most certainly resemble a taco. In addition, humidity pretty much affects all of the plants rather than just one or two select plants as is the case when you have hot spots in the garden. To counter this, you could choose to increase the distance between the plants and the grow light, in which case it may be easier to move the grow light depending on your setup.

Another way in which you could counter this problem is to consider the amount of heat that the bulbs are emitting. Even when the grow lights are a safe distance from the plants, but still emit a lot of heat, you are likely to experience the same problem. To address this effectively, you must ensure that there is proper ventilation in the grow room. Invest in a proper air conditioning system to ensure your Cannabis garden is thriving.

The basis for this is that if the entire grow room is too hot; you may want to find ways to drive out all the heat. If an air conditioning system is out of reach, a simple exhaust fan will do the trick. The principle is to ensure that there is proper air circulation especially at the bottom parts of the plant. At the top of the plants, this ensures that there are no hot spots present just below the grow lights.


Well-Known Member
Why are you feeding with cal mag? What were you feeding with before? I don't see any reason to give them that. What are your watering habits? Your plant could also be potbound, if it is trim the roots back a quarter inch a few times and water the medium with some 1/2 strength peters 20-20-20 and 10 drops superthrive they will explode on you son.


Well-Known Member
Why are you feeding with cal mag? What were you feeding with before? I don't see any reason to give them that. What are your watering habits? Your plant could also be potbound, if it is trim the roots back a quarter inch a few times and water the medium with some 1/2 strength peters 20-20-20 and 10 drops superthrive they will explode on you son.
10 drops???? Thats what i use like in the whole plant life.. But i guess everyone do things differently


Well-Known Member
Are those 30 catching the most air from the fan? I get leaf stress like that from fans blowing on leaves. When my humidity is around 20-25%, it doesn't take much air circulation to cause a problem like that.

I've also seen some weird leaf stuff which I've associated with Mg def (maybe an early symptom. Leaves will roll over and expose their undersides.). I only mention that because you said you're feeding only calmag. You might be causing an imbalance.

You can use any plant food. You don't need a fat bank account. I'm growing a plant with MiracleGro (Tomato) right now (as a test). It seems fine so far. $6 (US) for enough fertilizer for about 188 feedings tsp/gal feedings.