Leaf edges curling on new leaf set


Well-Known Member
Hey all, everything looks pretty good in my grow so far. 3 of the 4 plants are growing as expected and one is giving me a little trouble, but doesn't look like anything too big. I am LST 3 and topping the other. The edges of the upper leaves on the Violator Kush that I did not tie down are folded up slightly. I expected to see that on the newest leaves coming out of the growth tip, but I also expected them to flatten out after the whole leaf set was done forming. I am not quite sure what this is, but I'd like to correct it quickly if it is a legitimate problem. I am watering every 5 days or so, and I have watered twice with only Superthrive @ 1drop/gal and Rhizotonic @ 12mL/gal in water that had been left out in a bucket with an airstone overnight. I have posted 4 pictures to help with diagnosis.
1) Whole plant profile
2) Uppermost leaves
3) Top half of plant
4) Lowermost leaves
In the last picture of the lowermost leaves, there is a burn spot visible in the middle of the leaf. This is from last night's watering. I woke up this morning and went in to take some pictures, and realized I'd accidentally left a little excess water/nutes on the leaves. I'll be more careful next time.



Well-Known Member
Temps: 84-88
Light: 600w MH Conversion
pH: Mid 6
Nutes: No nutes, just Rhizotonic (root stimulator), and superthrive
Soil: 2/3 FFOF 1/3 FFLW
Humidity: 33% +/- 5% on any given day


Well-Known Member
your humidity is low for the veg state of growth but perfect for mid to late flowering. whats happening is that you leaves are losing moisture faster then they can supply it thus causing them to form the V shape.

easy fix get a humidifyer of have water sit in there


Well-Known Member
I agree your humidity is a little low but it could be the way they are unfolding and just take some time to lay flat like the lower ones. but some rags soaked in water in a boal will help.

also I believe you can start feeding very light nutes every 3rd water. and try to keep you ph a little higher than mid 6's.
those lower leaves look a little yellow and now may be agood time to start feeding them.
can you get the temps down a bit by exhausting or blowing some of the light heat away?


Well-Known Member
I agree your humidity is a little low but it could be the way they are unfolding and just take some time to lay flat like the lower ones. but some rags soaked in water in a boal will help.

also I believe you can start feeding very light nutes every 3rd water. and try to keep you ph a little higher than mid 6's.
those lower leaves look a little yellow and now may be agood time to start feeding them.
can you get the temps down a bit by exhausting or blowing some of the light heat away?
Thanks for the help, both of you! That was my guess about more water leaving the leaves than is being supplied. I was going to start feeding next week, and my next watering is in 5-6 days, so I'll start with a little nutes then. About the heat, I think it's my biggest problem. I ordered a new door for my closet that I can beat up and don't have to worry about paying for, so I'll be drilling an exhaust port on top and three intakes on the bottom, so that should help. Would a vicks humidifier that you use when you are sick be too much? what is optimum humidity for this stage? Also, what is optimal pH for soil? I restested and it's around 6.8, and I thought 6.6-7.0 is optimal right? My BioCanna nutes are pH buffered and are great against soil pH fluctuations! Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I think the humidifier may be to much in a that small area. try the wet rags in boals first and if that doesnt work than go with the humidifer. you really need to pick up an inexpensive hygrometer. looks like your ph is perfect. good luck and post with problems!


Well-Known Member
at this point in growth you dont have to feed due to the soil you are using has plenty of nutes. if you choose to, go easy. also temps could be better in the 78-82F/22-26C range proper ventilation osc fans etc... foliar feeding watering and neem (pest/fungi control) is highly suggested. this will help raise your humidity also. peace and happy growing


Well-Known Member
at this point in growth you dont have to feed due to the soil you are using has plenty of nutes. if you choose to, go easy. also temps could be better in the 78-82F/22-26C range proper ventilation osc fans etc... foliar feeding watering and neem (pest/fungi control) is highly suggested. this will help raise your humidity also. peace and happy growing
Cool, thanks so much. I had originally intended to wait at least 3 weeks after tranplanting into the FF before I started feeding. Ventilation will be taken care of within the week (as soon as my door comes in). You suggested foliar feeding now. What concentrations would you use? Would I use the neem directly with the foliar feeding? Thanks again for your help. :joint:


Well-Known Member
gotcha. than I probably wouldnt feed for a while and just ake sure you are ph'ing your water and watching the runoff as well.


Well-Known Member
yes-is always a good idea to watch what effect the nutes in the soil have on the ph so you can counteract by adjusting the watering ph.


Well-Known Member
foliar feeding is a great way to promote new vivorous growth to plants, better in the early veg to early flower stages. you will want to usually follow directions listed on the bottle. also it is suggested to use an emulsifier, or wetting agent. this can be as expensive as dutch penatrator or liquid dish soap. keep feeding with nutes and pest control... with pest control, dont mix or try to kill two birds with one stone(by adding nutrients, keep the applications seperate). cold press neem works great. mix in with warm water and emulsifier to create a solution. or use a chili pepper and garlic solution. depending on what your using them for. also, sea weed/kelp extract is an awesome product. the fastest growing plant on earth capd in a bottle. peace and happy growing