Leaf Edges/tips browning/crisping... Potassium (K) Imbalance? Nute burn? Need a hand


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking that this is either a little bit of nute burn or a Potassium (K) imbalance... Or maybe even a Magnesium (Mg) imbalance??? I'm leaning more towards the first 2, but thought I'd stop on by here and get a few other opinions before I do anything. So, what are your guys thought on the situation? and what I might do to solve it?

I've been looking around and now just want to get some other thoughts before I take any actions.

Thanks for any help, it's MUCH appreciated!

EDIT: Some details.
~Strain: Purple Napalm
~Soilless mix
~MG Nutes 24-8-16, feed every other watering
~x8, 6500K, 26W CFL's, 18/6
~82 degrees lights on, 70 lights off
~Water only when soil is dry
~Plant has been in soil for about 3 weeks now, was just a massivally rooted cutting waiting for somewhere to go when I got it.

Haven't had many problems with my plants before, so just tryin to figure this out. I have another plant of this same strain as this at the same age and it's showing no problems what so ever, so I'm just wondering why this one in particular is.

Again thanks!

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Looks like over-watering first of all, and alittle nute burn. My guess is you got a little heavy on the nutes and locked up potass. or zinc hence the edges browing. Back off the nutes and see what happens. You can add all the nutes you want but the plant is only going to use what it needs the more you add that it doesn't use the harder it is for it to consume what it needs. Let the plant tell you what it wants.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it was not over watered, thanks for the heads up though! :mrgreen:

I decided to flush the plant and then give it a half strength feeding. I'm pretty sure she's gonna be fine, just thought I'd get some outsider thoughts.
