:leaf:Indoor-Outdoor grow journal-lots of good pics

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
:leaf:Whats up everyone......

After reading for months i've decided its time to start my 1st grow journal...SO HERE WE GO!!!!

.i would love any and everyones input or ways to improve,pretty much whatever you think let me know...lol

Well first off let me explain the indoor outdoor part...i have a storage room i use to keep my clones and vege under DIY triple cfl hoods(could take pics if anyone wants)
I basically grow them till they are about 2 feet or so then i move them outdoors where they start to flower instantly (no matter what time of the year it is) and in about two months there done....Thats it really..

As for strain: i was given a strawberry cough or strawberry kush clone(the friend of a friend i got it from isn't sure,so it is what it is)
and on may 1st i started a bag seed from some dank i had a while back so we will se if its female in a month or 2

ffof soil with about 20% perlite
And for now all i have for ferts is MG bloom booster and ff tiger bloom,i want to get more from the ff nute line but $'s tight so i can just get 1 at a time,soooo i just got the tb for now and any input on which one would be best to get next would be great

i have two strawberry girls(sb2-sb3) that rooted and got transplanted 4-19:leaf:

my original clone(we'll call sb 1) has been outdoors since march 25th so tomorrow will be week 7, ive been flushing for a week and i think she might be done now,im not sure,almost all the tric's look milky but none amber yet, and in the last 2-3 days almost all the hairs went from really white to almost brown

heres some pics of sb1 from today....what do y'all think:?:


Str8 Smokin

Active Member
the pictures of sb2-3 were right after a watering which was about a day late... tomorrow they should be reaching up for their sun

also i have topped them both twice and now i'll let them go


Well-Known Member
heyy man. wow yea they're all looking gpod!! it just sucks tho.. i hate looking at ur pics.. cuz then i have to run to the kitchen and get napkins to clean up all teh drool all over my keyboard. lol. I cant wait to see these harvest pics!!

Clones are looking good too! wish u could send 1 my way!! lol. i forget if i already gave u rep.. but if not +Rep! and deff subbing to this journal!

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
thanx alot Chris.....yours look good to,esp.your last grow...that b!tch was HUGE

ya i cant wait 4 harvest neither..tomorrow i should be able to take a few pics of sb1

also last night i kinda forgot i have two more sb i put outdoors may 1st,i will snap a few pics of them also,
even tho they are not a nice as sb2-3 cause with those 2 i used MG moisture control soil and they NEVER seemed to dry out inbetween waterings..

thats the reason i went and got the fox farm soil!!!!

and i will tell you what.....there isn't even a comparison...the ffof is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better......more growth, darker green, thicker leaves, nice and dry in 3-4 days ect.
deff alot better soil

later every1..


Well-Known Member
thanx alot Chris.....yours look good to,esp.your last grow...that b!tch was HUGE

ya i cant wait 4 harvest neither..tomorrow i should be able to take a few pics of sb1

also last night i kinda forgot i have two more sb i put outdoors may 1st,i will snap a few pics of them also,
even tho they are not a nice as sb2-3 cause with those 2 i used MG moisture control soil and they NEVER seemed to dry out inbetween waterings..

thats the reason i went and got the fox farm soil!!!!

and i will tell you what.....there isn't even a comparison...the ffof is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better......more growth, darker green, thicker leaves, nice and dry in 3-4 days ect.
deff alot better soil

later every1..
yeaaa, my last plant was a beast... and im thinking my new one will be even bigger!! =D I hope so anywayz!

and yeaa the more pics the better! I LOVE taking pics.. and i love seeing pics.. especially of plants like urs!

that sucks tho.. about the MG Moisture COntrol soil...... lol. cuz thats exactly what I have to grow with outdoors.. =/ lol. well i dont have any shops near me that sell fox farm soil.. and im broke as shit too.. and soo i cant afford it anywayz... sooo im just gonna mix the MG soil with the dirt thats in the ground.. do like a 60-40 mix.. MG-dirt. and see how it works.

i gotta go out in the woods soon... and figure out where im gonna grow soon.. gonna bring the camera with me.. and take pics of the site.

man... i cant wait to see your harvest pics tho!!

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
that sucks tho.. about the MG Moisture COntrol soil...... lol. cuz thats exactly what I have to grow with outdoors.. =/ lol. well i dont have any shops near me that sell fox farm soil.. and im broke as shit too.. and soo i cant afford it anywayz... sooo im just gonna mix the MG soil with the dirt thats in the ground.. do like a 60-40 mix.. MG-dirt. and see how it works.

really man the MG works great outdoors mixed with the natural dirt....thats what i usually use outside,this time i used some compost

the ff soil is just way better in the pots until i move them out


Well-Known Member
really man the MG works great outdoors mixed with the natural dirt....thats what i usually use outside,this time i used some compost

the ff soil is just way better in the pots until i move them out
ooo. ok. well then yeaa, that what im gonna use. its still a lil rainy outside.. sooo im gonna wait and go outside tomorrow and try to pick a spot.. =)

and yeaa i wish I had the money... i'd love to buy some FF soil.. and nutes... but ooo well. i seem to be doing just fine with what I have.

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
ya this time i think im going to put 1 in the ground like usual and put the other 1 in a 5 gallon bucket buried 3/4 deep with ff soil and see if i notice a big difference

well we wiil c, updade this weekend...later


Well-Known Member
kk. cant wait to see the update man!! keep up the good work!! my WW is finally sprouted.. shes about an inch or 2 tall. =) and my purple power seed germinated! well the taproot is still kinda small... sooo i might give it another day or 2.. and then put it in some soil... soo hopefully in about 2 weeks.. i can plant my plants outside!!

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
well sb1 got chopped today

i went out and looked at her with the microscope and had about 30-50% amber so down she went

358 g after trim soooooo hopefully about 3 oz dry (would b sweet)

took pics.....will post soon


Str8 Smokin

Active Member
update 5-15
i've got a bunch of pics

ok so heres sb1



and sb2's ding great

and so is sb3

and here are pics of SB4 and SB5 that were moved outdoors on 5-5

heres the bag seed and my new "diy" cloner


Str8 Smokin

Active Member
O ya.......i bumped in to and old friend and luckily hes still "up to his old tricks"

so needlees to say i'll be getting some thunderfuck clones soon and i cant fuckin wait

heres what hes got goin on, and it smells o so sweet in there!!!!



Well-Known Member
wow!! thats niiiice!! damn.. wish i had friends like that! lol. i dont know anybody in my area that grows or has ever grown.. =/ everybodt just buy it from sum who knows sum1 who knows sum1... no growers tho.. =(


Active Member
awesome grow man those girls are beauiful. i've been trying to find some outdoor grows that are close to me to see how my first one might end up this fall. i have a feeling you're more south than i am tho, i'm in pa. +rep

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
awesome grow man those girls are beauiful. i've been trying to find some outdoor grows that are close to me to see how my first one might end up this fall. i have a feeling you're more south than i am tho, i'm in pa. +rep
thanx alot man,

ya im alot further south,im in fl, but hopefully ur shit comes out str8

later bro

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
wow!! thats niiiice!! damn.. wish i had friends like that! lol. i dont know anybody in my area that grows or has ever grown.. =/ everybodt just buy it from sum who knows sum1 who knows sum1... no growers tho.. =(
ya man give it some time and you should meet somebody someday that grows or that can atleast get/give u some beans or clones of some fire shit,one day bro one day,trust

aight yo later

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
hey all i just found an old pic of sb1 right after being put outside so i figured i would put up a comparison!!!

5 days outside

62 days outside



Well-Known Member
wow! lol. thats pretty cool. yeaa, i checked on my seeds last night that were outside... =/ the pots and soil were completely dry!! =/ i water them alot b4 i put them out there.... but they're in those small pots.. soo maybe thats why... well i dug a decent hole... and mixed the soil with the MG MC soil i had.. and placed the pots right into the ground and dumped about a gall of water in the hole adn all aroudn the plants.. and watered the lil pots again.. soo hopefully sumthin happens.. =/ if not.. they were just experimental anywayz.. and the WW and purple power will be a fwe weeks old b4 i plant them.