Leaf issues--cal? mag? (pics)


Active Member
Not really sure what the problem is here. Recently transplanted into FFOF w/amendments. Water only. pH is good. Thinking cal/mag issue but not sure. Never used FFOF before but can no longer find Blue Ribbon locally.
This is one of my Bianca's
This is an unknown strain


Well-Known Member
I agree. Looks like Ca def. I'd get a Ca/Mg supplement and add to nutes mix. You can add those elements to a spray bottle of water for foliar feeding. GL


Active Member
The affected leaves are not showing any signs of healing, didn't expect them to. It seems to have quit spreading though:clap:.
I think the FFOF is hotter to begin with than the soil I have been using. When I amended with what I usually do it became too 'hot'. I believe this caused a temp lock-out. Either that or it is because I didn't let it sit for a couple weeks to cure before using it.
Does either of these theories sound plausible? I don't want to put my babies through this again but I still have a few cubic feet of it left, thinking about cutting it with some more soil and trying it on a single plant.


Active Member
@ bioWheel--thanks for the input. I am leery about adding anything at this point since they are sitting in fresh soil that is already too hot. I believe if it is/was a deficiency, it was caused by a lockout not lack of it being there. Possibly pH jumped for a while since the mix was too fresh?