Leaf plant problems help before too late


need some help
growing in 4x4 tent 1000watt hps
85F with lights on 75 off
running 12/12
3 weeks into flowering
my plants are root blocked but i only have 5 more weeks to clear the room out due to visitors and i know if i repot it will slow the process.
not sure if i am over nuits or deficiencies. because of the small pots i must water everyday. using flower power 3-4-3 every other time and once a week using Grow power 3-1-4
water is 100% rain water never PH tested but same jugs of water for weeks


Well-Known Member
it looks like nute burn which is pretty rare here, you say you feed every day you should stop that. feed every other watering, but use your nutes at double strength so the flower power will be 6-8-6. and your grow power will be 6-2-8. plants grow fastest with something "half strength" like 10-10-10.

i've fed 6-6-8 every other watering(i thought it was stronger till i did the math). i recently bumped it up because my plant went a little deficient. now i use 9-12-17 every other water

your nutes are weak but using them everyday slowly built up the salt to this burning point. the N is the one that burns plants because it is really salty compared to P and K.


Well-Known Member
give her a good dose of regular water and make sure she gets a good amount of run off, then feed her in a few days when she finally drys out. problem solved 8)


Active Member
what about the small pots they are in? will repotting slow the flowering process by much?
This is definitely nute burn, I had the identical symptoms during a recent grow on a very nute sensitive blueberry plant. Stick to a Feed-Water-Water-Feed schedule, making sure that each time you water you are getting about 20 percent runoff. I have found that feeding more frequently than this always leads to lockout at some point. This becomes a self-regulating method because the two waterings between feedings will flush out accumulated salts. If you are feeding as much as you are, the nutes will just keep building up, messing with your ph, and reacting with each other in the soil precipitating into unusable salts.

As for repotting, I had to do this once at about week 3 or 4 or flowering. What I found at the end of the grow, was that the roots never really grew much after I had re-potted. I think most of the root growth that happens over the flowering period takes place during the first few weeks. Basically once the plant stops its flowering stretch, it stops its major root growth as well.

As it happened, the plants completely stopped progressing for about a week, and I ended up having to extend my flowering time by an additional 14 days before they had ripened properly. Ultimately, repotting was basically like putting my grow on pause for 2 weeks. In the end, the one plant that I didn't bother to re-pot ended up outperforming the others, even being completely root bound.

This is just my personal experience, others may have more luck re-potting in flowering, but I won't do it again. Of course, I learned my lesson and now I re-pot two weeks before I flip to 12-12. This allows time for the plants to adjust and grow roots into the fresh soil. If the plant has to divert energy into growing root mass, it is going to detract from your flower production significantly, so you want it complete by the time you go into flowering.


thanks buggins. im a virgin so that is some great input. next grow ill be prepared with the right pots. Ill let you know how the watering cycle works


for what its worth ..............im doing a 4x4 and could not use 1000 hps, too much..... switched to 600 mh/hps had alot less issues.


Really small. But like I said I have to harvest by mid oct and if I repot now it will stall everything by 1 to 2 weeks


for what its worth ..............im doing a 4x4 and could not use 1000 hps, too much..... switched to 600 mh/hps had alot less issues.
I was told you can't over light as long as you can control the heat. How does less light create less problems?