leaf problem need help plz


Active Member
hi i have been growing 6 plants 3 were white widow ceres seeds and 3 were bag seeds 1 dident grow and 1 was male they are in my loft under a 600watt hps ligt they in like 2 gallon plastic containers and are growing in all purpose miricle grow soil my 4 plants are in there 3rd weeks of flowering and there are quite alot of leaves just turning yellow and just dieing at the lower end of the plants and there are some leave that have wird greeny greyish spots on them that seem to link up and then turn brown and die i use these nuts pretty much every 24 hours although i used just water for a few days at the weekend becuase i thought i was over doing it with the nuts am i heres the site i got my nuts of http://www.formulaflora.com/
here are some pictures although it has got abit worse will get more pics soon
and i hope i put these up right never posted any pics before new to this site


Well-Known Member
nutri. burn it looks like flush out your plants roots with fresh water and see if that helps which it should.


Well-Known Member
and it looks like you might have spider mights wipe down all your leafs cause the spotting on the plants in the pic look like spider mite eggs. and the browning looks like nutri. burn and the curled down leafs are serverly nutri. burn


Active Member
and it looks like you might have spider mights wipe down all your leafs cause the spotting on the plants in the pic look like spider mite eggs. and the browning looks like nutri. burn and the curled down leafs are serverly nutri. burn
thx mate thought it may be nut burn my first grow and wasent sure spider mites u say some of these leaves the spots seem to link up and turn brown and die is this another sign that i have spider mites or could it be something else will get better pictures of this problem up soon thx for the help


Well-Known Member
well the white spots are spider mite eggs and then they kill the plant but mostly nutri burn so wipe down the leafs like i said and flush fresh water threw the soil or clay balls and leave the light on the plants while the water is being flushed threw and then let the dirt dry out some before you put anything else in the roots. and only use fresh water until you know the problem is solved


Well-Known Member
If you cant get lady bugs in your area get some stuff called mite x made by bionide that is cottonseed oil, garlic oil and some other beneficial plant extracts.