i have some of the same issues with one of mine right now. and at first i thought it was a MG deficency from what jorges bible says. if you look at your leaves and the pic of the guy the posted on the first page, does it look identical? because my leaves are, curling upward, devoloping random spots, and yellowing. the yellowing and spots are random though, mainly on older shade leaves, and brand new low growth burn spots. was over watering the plant for sure and using nutes to hopefully correct my MG deficency, this made it worse not better. the overwatering caused nutelock (i think lol) which allowed all nutes to stay in the soil, then when it dries some and is able to take nutes in it has a shit load there, because it hasnt been taking any in due to overwatering for the past however long. so basically shocked my plant for a month, before i finnaly leeched my shit an have just been using pure water for now so we will see what that does. but one thing i have noticed, is that it is a lot easier to over water then you think, your soil needs to dry out some to allow proper aeration of the roots. Oh, and the first misdiagnosis was due to a switch to RO water, thought it was the MG because thers no cal and mg in the RO water. Only thing I'm saying is dont be dead set that its one thing. the first three times i have had a problem with a plant i have mis diagnosed the deficiency. just takes time. im just trying to learn as i go and share what i have found out so far. still a newb, thats for sure. but i'd say be careful, adding more nutes almost is never the cure (in my expiernce) adjusting the PH to make them available may be a diff story however, idk. good luck man