Leaf problems - yellow & rusty spots older leaves dying


Active Member
Help... first time grower. yellow spots turning into rusty looking spots. It started out with just the tips turning brown on the older fan leaves, now the yellow spots are showing on alomst all of the leaves. Plants are growing in a closet with 400W HPS lamp & fan. I was fert'ng every other day with 19-24-24 at one fourth recommend strength. I stopped fert'ng about 10 days ago. I've gone to plain water every other day for the past week now. I think I'm about two weeks to harvest... What should I do??



New Member
With dots that big, you'd have to be seeing webs by now. Maybe it's hard to see them under the red light. Mist the plants and check for webs if you have bad eyes or no magnifying glass. Bummer.


Active Member
No mites... no webs... If I can't control this problem should I harvest what I can??
I have the same exact problem,, just started 2 days ago,, I have checked my plants very carefully with my magnifying glass,,,no mites... I PH my water at 6.5,, use reccommended nute solution.. Just started using 1tbsp per gal. of blackstrap mollasses 5 days ago. But I have never heard of the mollassses causing this problem,, Can someone expierenced pls jump in to this thread.


Well-Known Member
those burnt tips are caused by to much nitrogen which is locking up other nutes...the spots look to be a mg defenciey of the worst kind....i would flush with ph water day 1...water normall next 4-7days then hit with a tablespoon or 2 of epsom salts(depending on size of medium)...then regive ferts at 1/3dose on the 8th day...then resume normall feedings an waterings but keep the nutes down to at least 1/3-1/2 dose...peace az


Well-Known Member
wow that looks like mites but you say its not. Are you sure you looked really really close underneath the leafs, im sure you did but just in case :)


Active Member
okay.. I got a PH Meter & TDS meter and this is what I found

first of all, I get my water from my well and run it through an RO unit to water my plants.
(Well water is PPM 840 to start)

PH is 7.25
PPM's are 119

Now that I know my PH is way off.. I'm going to follow Azgrow's advice

""those burnt tips are caused by to much nitrogen which is locking up other nutes...the spots
look to be a mg defenciey of the worst kind....i would flush with ph water day 1...water
normall next 4-7days then hit with a tablespoon or 2 of epsom salts(depending on size of
medium)...then regive ferts at 1/3dose on the 8th day...then resume normall feedings an
waterings but keep the nutes down to at least 1/3-1/2 dose...peace az""

I'll post some new pics in about a week... thanks for the help!! KSpudZ


Active Member
Im anal about my PH,,It is always between 6.0 and 6.5.. 3 days ago I flushed plants with just water and molasses. Today I still had spots and some older fan leaves drying out and dying. I flushed out again with just water. I am going to pop out on lunch tonight to the drug store to buy some epson salt.. I grow in soil.. How much salt shoud I mix per gal. of water??? This is the ?? I have.. I will water with the salt till the water comes out the bottom into the tray...Then wait 3 days,,then water with 1/3 nute solution the first couple times then go back to my regular schedule as long as my babies look ok,, How does this sound for the expierenced growers... Everyting was going fantastic until this happened..My buds look great,,dont want to screw up my crop..Thanks in advance for ANY help..

the dragon killa

Active Member
My plants look very similar to that and it is mites. If you dont know exactly what your looking for they are hard to spot. Look at the under side of the leaf with a magnifying glass and there will be really small orange/reddish bugs moving around on it and tons of white eggs forming which are creating the spots on the leaves. I am almost positive that is the problem because like I said I have the same problem.


Active Member
My plants look very similar to that and it is mites. If you dont know exactly what your looking for they are hard to spot. Look at the under side of the leaf with a magnifying glass and there will be really small orange/reddish bugs moving around on it and tons of white eggs forming which are creating the spots on the leaves. I am almost positive that is the problem because like I said I have the same problem.
I looked everywhere except under the leaves with my mag. glass, Ill check when I get home tonight.. what are you doing to get rid of them???.

the dragon killa

Active Member
They live and reproduce on the underside of the leaf. I had my first encounter with these little bastards only 4 days ago but have read everything I can about how to get rid of them. Neem oil and pyrithreum. Do not use them within 5 days of one another and vary use of both of them because if you keep using neem continuously those little fuckers will build up immunities to it. Also bring temp below 70 degrees and humidity below 50 it discourages reproduction.


Active Member
They live and reproduce on the underside of the leaf. I had my first encounter with these little bastards only 4 days ago but have read everything I can about how to get rid of them. Neem oil and pyrithreum. Do not use them within 5 days of one another and vary use of both of them because if you keep using neem continuously those little fuckers will build up immunities to it. Also bring temp below 70 degrees and humidity below 50 it discourages reproduction.
I was told that they thrive in higher temp lower humidity enviroment.. That the lower the temp and HIGHER the humidity the better..It sais that in the FAQ. on the front page..unless I read it wrong, Im going to go back and read it again just in case. Im going home to crank the a/c and shut my dehumitifier off.. Goin to make a trip to the store tomorrow for something with alot of Dicofol in it or Avid. If I can't find somthing like that in my area then I'll try topickup some neem oil.. Im not sure where to get any of it,,But we do have some nursery's around my area, Ill give those a shot..then mabe home depot//Rona..


Active Member
I came home this morning,,more fan leaves are spotted and more leaves are starting to dry out,, I looked hard as hell and cannot see any mites.. I have taken some pics of the under sides of the leaves from just couple in. ago..My temp in that room is about 85 - 89 deg at the tops of the leaves, and humidity is around 45%..I do not want to lose my entire crop.. Im still 4 to 5 weeks away from harvest,,any opinions pls, I need em..



Well-Known Member
I came home this morning,,more fan leaves are spotted and more leaves are starting to dry out,, I looked hard as hell and cannot see any mites.. I have taken some pics of the under sides of the leaves from just couple in. ago..My temp in that room is about 85 - 89 deg at the tops of the leaves, and humidity is around 45%..I do not want to lose my entire crop.. Im still 4 to 5 weeks away from harvest,,any opinions pls, I need em..
what are ur ppm at?

and do u mist with lights on? stupid question but maybe

also in the third picture i say a yellow kinda spot but it kinda looked like a egg u got better pictures?