leaf probs 38 days into 12/12 pls advise ?


Active Member
grow details for white widows
soil/hydro store
600 watt hps
2 oscilating fans
good fresh air intake/ outtake via carbon filter
ph 6.5
canna nutes/ now on 100% slowly built up
4 gallon pots
they have had epson salts 2 weeks ago
there showing signs of severe yellowing but theres still enough green foilage i would think to see them home, only one plant as the real bad looking leaf damage the other 2 widows are just yellowing up but all look good bud wise i think,, theres 4 in the room back left is a pineapple chunk she looks ok.

any tips or advice to get me through the next 18 days or so pls ! cheers !

ps pic 7 is from 2 weeks back or so !



Active Member
the yellowing on the first pictures can be expected during flowering because not only are you constantly pushing your ppm with P and K but your also moderatly starving it for nitrogen. so the uniform yellowing of your fan leaves is fine. HOWEVER, the 4th and 5th pic are not ideal at all. those leaves are being burned from a bit too much nurtienats so scale back slightly on that plant and just make sure the leaves attached to your buds dont start going that way, but fan leaves really dont do all that much in later floewer so i wouldnt worry all to much about it, just keep an eye on her



Active Member
the yellowing on the first pictures can be expected during flowering because not only are you constantly pushing your ppm with P and K but your also moderatly starving it for nitrogen. so the uniform yellowing of your fan leaves is fine. HOWEVER, the 4th and 5th pic are not ideal at all. those leaves are being burned from a bit too much nurtienats so scale back slightly on that plant and just make sure the leaves attached to your buds dont start going that way, but fan leaves really dont do all that much in later floewer so i wouldnt worry all to much about it, just keep an eye on her

yeah man i here ya, will cut back on the nutes see how things go from there, not long left so dont want it to degrade to much, thanx for feed back man !


Active Member
oh ya definatly not too much, especially on those barley yellow ones lol just the ones that were ubb CRISPY lol


Active Member
i have the same exact problem going on with my ladies but in week 2 of flower
sory to here it man, what the answer is i dont no, but just thinkin about it i av 3 WW 2 are yellow as fuck but no signs of that leaf problems, there all fed the same all beit there diferent sizes but the 2 with just the yellow leaves av both had a flush 3 x pot size in my case 15ltr pots so poured 45ltrs of 1 quarter strengh nutes and ph to 6.5 on one and just a strate flush on the other, and so maybe flushing ya girl might not be a bad thing just incase ur nuted up to much i no that word ( FLUSH ) gets used all to often but in my case it looks like its kept to of my girls clean of that problem but the flip side might be y there so yellow especialy the one that never had nutes in the flush water, and u have 6 weeks minimum to go so if u aint flushed it before then man i would do it but with light nutes in it , good look man and no matter what as long as she keeps growing ( bud wise ) then soilder on ,, one more thing i av added epson salts to the 3 WW coz at first the leaves looked like a magnesium problem when i compared it to the sick plants sticky ! but i do feed a lot so it could very well be that, so i am gonna back off on the nutes on her,, lastly dont take any leaves off coz the miniute u do it will just go straight to other healthy leaves immedietly so in my opinion leave them on and let them leaves take the brunt which aint good i no but the alternative is it just goes to other leaves like the next day so resist even though they are ugly or untill someone else convinces u i am wrong then do what ur gut tells ya man. good look hope it works out for ya. peace !

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
yah definately man i havent really been using alot of nutes so im pretty sure its a deficiency. i bought some cal mag yesterday so im gonna give her some of that along with her regular nutes see how that goes....terrible im always taking leaves off but thanks for the advice keep me updated on how your ladies are doing after the flush

it went from this and progressed similar to how yours look



Well-Known Member
Yo dude pic 5 looks burnt as burnt can be.
Now this toxicity may not of happen all
at once but a build up of salts or it's possible they
lock out of nutes and there is many causes of this~
soil/hydro store? I don't git it, which is it. If I
would guess I'll say it's dirt!