Leaf Reversion During Flowering


Active Member
So my girl is exhibiting some interesting characteristics, i figured I'd at the very least share.
Maybe see if this is something others might have had experience with.
By no means a problem, just interesting so ill just post it here for open discussion.
Anywho, down to the topic at hand:

My largest lady, 4 weeks and change into flowering is beginning to show Reversion of the number of prongs on each leaf.
The closer to the bud site on any given branch developing flowers... The less prongs the leaves are producing.
E.G: 4 nodes from top, full 7-9 prong fans.
3 nodes, they have reverted to 5 prongs.
2 nodes away, only 3 prongs.
And the node jut below/of any bud development, there are legitimately SINGLE pronged leaves, or just double.
These pictures are taken in the paradigm of the example previous given, form the same main cola.
However this is occurring where ever there is a branch apexing in bud development.
Given it's yet to happen to my other, younger flowering plant... I'm inclined to believe its a pheno, not an environmental stressor causing it.
Any musings?