Leaf septoria?


Active Member
-Growing indoors
-Watering when top two inches of soil is dry
-Started in Miracle grow moisture control, realized that was a mistake, transplanted to foxfarms ocean forest with some dolomite lime
-380 watts real LED over a 2x5' area
-2.5-3 weeks old

Is this leaf septoria? I pulled off the leaves where I could obviously see the affliction, this is only affecting one plant.



Active Member
Ok so on one note, my camera sucks at focusing. On another note, if you could see it, it looked exactly like phosphorous lockout due to low temps.

It looked like this(pic from the web), just not as bad, so I guess I ripped off a couple of leaves without a good reason. Except my temps have been 70-80F, so it's not due to low temps.


Active Member
also a little tip you shouldn't water when only the 2 inches of top soil is dry cause the soil could still be wet an can run into overwatering issues or lockout issues too, i do the lift method also its common with other growers, give it a nice watering where there is little bit of run off lift the pot it should be heavy over the next couple of days check on it should feel lighter once you know its light enough its time to water hope this helped