Leaf stuggle


Well-Known Member
Alright so my plants are about in day 25 or so into flowering and the new leaves that are being made are thing and droppy. Well all the plants leaves are droopy but they are starting to get thin. Any suggestions I just flushed 2 days ago with clearex, and wont start to feed them nutes until the soil is completely dry to insure that im not over watering. Ill post some pics soon. There in soil im using foxfarm products and the leaves look a little darker than they should. Its in a 4gallon bucket.


Well-Known Member
it got burnt a few times by trying to keep the cfls as close as possible. the buds were never burnt but the leafs.


Active Member
it looks to me like theyre are not getting enough water with all the heat and the light that you are giving it. when i did my first grow thats the mistake i made and it killed my plant. you should try moving the lights about 6 inches away from the plant. they are looking good so you wouldnt want to lose them to something as stupid as that. best of luck


Well-Known Member
thanks, Ill move the lights a bit away. The plant seems to be taking in water slowly. I watered it on wensday and its still pretty wet.