Leaf Troubleshooting


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I have lots of little little plants in red solo cups right now and two are stumping me. Generally they look perfectly healthy, but two are weird.

One is a Blueberry. The leaves are completely light green. I‘m almost certain that it’s not a nute issue, I really feel like it’s a phenotype that’s just light green because it actually looks perfectly healthy otherwise. Is this possible?

On the second one, there are light-green spots on the leaves and it’s the only plant in the room that looks like this. I can’t seem to find similar pics online, I was wondering if you’ve seen this before. Perhaps the soil mix I used for my seedlings wasn’t mixed well and there are hot or cold spots with too much or too little nutes. Check out the pic...any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Well-Known Member
You've got that weird variegation going on. It's fine though. I don't even know what causes it but I don't think you'll find anyone here that says it's problematic. It goes away as the plant grows. Both plants look fine to me. Don't expect them to look similar. Apples and oranges.