Leafs are turning yellow


Active Member
Hey guys! Hope you can help me out. The top new leafs are turning very light green after i put it into 12/12 lighting. Nutes are unchanged, PH is between 5.5 - 6.0. Whats wrong with it? Dont worry bout the lower leafs, they got burnt from the light being too near. :joint::peace:

P.S Does anyone know what plant i have? I havnt a clue. Hehe!



Active Member
Hydro. The ratios for nutes not too sure but i think its 20-20-20. Over where i'm from its difficult to find nutes for hydro. The bottles dont indicate them.


Well-Known Member
I would say you are experiencing lockouts from off balance ph. you state ph between 5.5-6.00 which tells me you are using either test strips or dropper tester. If this is the cas I would venture to say that you should pick up another different ph tester, even if cheap aquairum ones b/c something is off.

kind of young for 12/12-2-3 more weeks would have given you at least 2x as much. how long they been in 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Not to change the subject, but do you have a fan blowing on your plant? Your stems look a liitle weak going into flowering, so I suggest that you promote strong stem development by letting a fan blow on your plants. Your probably already doing it, but if you consistently have air blowing on your plants, your stems will become strong. Make sure that your fan is oscilating. you don't want to keep the fan directly on your plants. GOOD LUK!!!


Active Member
see how it is yellowing at the base of all the NEW shoots, not just the top cola, and it is the leaf that is changing color, not spots from burning. and being that you don't accurately check your PH, i'm betting that it is going to be high when you do check it with a meter. this is probably a multiple deficiency of Manganese and Zinc due to a high ph, and probably not enough in your nutrient solution.

go to the local grow shop and get some Cal-Mag (or order it off the web) and feed 7ml/gal in your nute solution. make sure you go get a PH meter NOW! check your ph often and keep it at 5.7. those things should take care of your problems.


Active Member
Thanks for all your help guys, i will try fixing the PH and see if it works. Is my plant really too early to flower? Can i still force it to flower at this stage?

btw, i am just using what i can get from where i'm from which is vegetable nutrients for hydro. Also the plant is on hydroton clay balls. Will the clay balls affect the PH over time?


Active Member
dude that last pic is already flowering, u need to put an oscillating fan on them to strengthen up the stems so they can hold the buds without too much strain. have you started adding cal-mag to your nutrient mix yet? you should if you haven't (just order it online if you can't get it from a grow shop).

have you had them under 12/12 at all yet? wait i just re-read your first post....you haven't changed the nutrients since you put them into flower? (when you put them under 12/12, that is forcing them to flower) you need to find a flowering nutrient for them, something with more phosphorous.

so to answer your question, yes, you can force them to flower, or rather you already have started them into flower, so keep them under 12/12. but do what you can to get a flowering nutrient and cal-mag, as well as a decent PH meter, NOT test strips, and an oscillating fan (im sure you have one lying around somewhere that you can rig into your grow room).


Active Member
Will be looking for a supplier for the nutes soon. I am already getting alternating branches but still no signs of sex. PH meters are kind of expensive here. Cant afford it at this moment. My grow box is a little too small to fit a fan in there. I only have an exhaust fan which sucks air out and at the same time it doubles up in sucking in fresh air through the gaps. Plant looks pretty healthy, but i am just really impatient in knowing the sex. Just hoping its not a male!