leafs dying! please help!


this is a first time grow for me. im growing my plants under cfl bulbs in earthgro potting soil. the plant you see in the picture is 2 and a half weeks into veg. i started noticing a little bit of yellow in my leafs about a week ago. since then the problem has slowy gotten worse. the bottom leafs are pretty much dead at this point and the problem seems to be slowy making its way up the plant. from what ive gathered on the labeling of growing medium, its a organic mixture with no added nutrients. my personal thought is that all available nutrients in the soil have been used up at this point and the plants just arent being fed. i have not added any nutes up to this point and plants are in a 1 gallon pot. iwas going to repot plants into a 2 or 3 gallon pot using the same soil (fresh obviously) and begin adding nutes. any advice would be greatly appreciated....im at a loss.



Well-Known Member
you may wanna start feeding it.lightly
I know that those bottom leaves usually fall off so wouldn't stress over it.
the rest of the plant looks like its in good shape.so maybe give it a light feed and trasplant in to something bigger. And just monitor it
its kinda hard to see what's going on from this angle.
there is a few good deficiency & toxicity guide here and on the net
thatd probably be your best start


Well-Known Member
Mine have do that before , the bottom leaves go yellow,,,,, but that's it nothing else happens the rest of the plant looks fine , id leave it for a good few days , then see ,,,, i would worry


Well-Known Member
Yes. It's time to feed. Nothing else wrong there. Congrats on not burning it as a seedling. I guess you can skip that lesson!


thanks guys, they're transplanted and had their first feed at 1/4 strength. we'll see how things go.