Leafs Mottling Under LEDs


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that a lot of the primary leafs are mottled, whereas there is no mottling using the same nutes in my HOT5 tent.
Also leafs are dry curling up

I raised the canopy closer to the light about a week ago, but no lenses

The lights are ~ 15-18" above the canopy. Could they still be too close?

PPMs < 800/pH 6.0

I just replaced nutes (only 5 days old) with ~440ppm/pH 6.1

Also pics from hot5

Ideas/suggestions appreciated





Well-Known Member
looks like phos and molybdenum deficiency. maybe they're using up alot more nutes under the led. Mine are taking more than twice as much with induction/led rather than with par t5


Well-Known Member
When was the last time you calibrated your ph meter Pet???

Your using V&B one step fert, shouldn't have any defs at that ppm IMO====if your ph is definitely correct (6.0) then raise the ppms slightly; heavy feeders:P


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hyroot.

Got PM help suggesting I raise the lights, which I did

This MAY BE the reason why EH did not go forward with these 90w ufos (Helios- 3500/5000), or simply that similar intensity requires greater distance


Well-Known Member
hi PF did raising your lights help? Seems they need to be somewhat surprisingly high!


Well-Known Member
Yes, raising helped, BUT, in thinking it through, I may have mixed a batch of nutes where I tried adding ~ 200ppms of Sea Crop Concentrate to 300pm of V + B.

Looking at the leafs, which are dried and crispy, this makes more sense, but it could also be the combination

At any rate, lush greenery is popping out at the bud tips + lots of fluffy pistils

Pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Ah, I forgot to update

Plants are healthy again, so most likely it was the hot mineral mix

Will be puling in a few days

Just changed nutes, now ~200ppm

It occurred to me after today's pics to remove the restraints which allowed me to move more of the canopys directly under the 2 ufos



Well-Known Member
eeehhhh you should try at least one plant with pure organic soil. You won't have those issues ever..


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that a lot of the primary leafs are mottled, whereas there is no mottling using the same nutes in my HOT5 tent.
Also leafs are dry curling up

I raised the canopy closer to the light about a week ago, but no lenses

The lights are ~ 15-18" above the canopy. Could they still be too close?

PPMs < 800/pH 6.0

I just replaced nutes (only 5 days old) with ~440ppm/pH 6.1

Also pics from hot5

Ideas/suggestions appreciated

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I had lowered one of my light recently and the plants underneath didnt seem to like it and meanwhile I noticed on some plants that the lower buds were more resinous than the colas so I think for the most part we tend to keep the lights too close. I keep mine over 24'' from the tops right now.