Leafs turning color


Well-Known Member
Do you spray anything on your plants and is that happening all over?

Looks a lot like water damage more than a deficiency.

Media? Nutes? Water? Lighting?

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Well-Known Member
Media is peat based with mirical grow 12-8-16 under cfl lights
Miracle Grow is not a well balanced nutrient to feed your pot plants in a soilless or hydro media. They are made to supplement plants, mainly flowers that will not be consumed, that are growing in real dirt that has a lot of the minerals and other things to help plants stay healthy.

Could be your nutes causing your issues and a 3-part hydro nute would be a much better option. You can get a litre each of AN 3-part for under $50 then don't have to worry about pH either while giving the plants all they need to grow well. I bought gallon jugs of all three for $124Can so around $10/L and that was at a hydro store. Cheaper even online unless you have to pay big for shipping.
