leafs twisting and folding up


have no clue what imbalance is causing this, tried potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium. frankly i have no idea now. Ph is within range so its not nutrient lock out. The leaves appear to be dimpled as well and brittle in some parts. Sorry for the fuzzyness of pictures but im not very good with camera.

was about to start flowering but i gotta get her healthy first. any help would be appreciated, thanks.



looks like somekind of nutrient deffiencey try some different veg nutes mite not be getting all that is needed and try some different soil next time my first grow and i just went and bought the cheapest soil with some perlite in it, know other people that grow also and they dont go crazy with the soil and have had good luck, they use just plain miracle grow nutrients and also have good luck but i prefer stuff thats proven i use stuff by advanced nutrients. keep me updated, these are my plants almost a month into flower


Well-Known Member
have no clue what imbalance is causing this, tried potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium. frankly i have no idea now. Ph is within range so its not nutrient lock out. The leaves appear to be dimpled as well and brittle in some parts. Sorry for the fuzzyness of pictures but im not very good with camera.

was about to start flowering but i gotta get her healthy first. any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Looks like some sort of nute burn, not a deficiency. What were you feeding it before this happened and how much? I would give it a good flush, wait 5-7 days and see how it reacts, then flower it. If all is well, give it a small dose of flower nutes. That's what I would do. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yup! the soil is all salty now and the water is being sucked out of the plant to try to balance the solution!!! Water only!!!!! no nutes for a while!!!! A flush would be appropriate.



k flushing now, was using some cheap miracle grow shit, 24-8-16 and just started to switch to bloom shit 15-30-15.

i ph tested the water that came out and it was a neutral 7 on the dot, could it still be nute burn? If so someone explain how it made the new growth leaves all twisted up because ive only ever heard of it yellowing the corners of the leaves a little bit, thx.

recent pics, flushed and stopped all nute feedings. but shes a good girl and will make it through this.

this is kinda random but i was wondering as a plant gets bigger, should u wean them off 24/0 and give them a couple hours of dark time to recharge even if your still in veg?



Well-Known Member
i ph tested the water that came out and it was a neutral 7 on the dot, could it still be nute burn? If so someone explain how it made the new growth leaves all twisted up because ive only ever heard of it yellowing the corners of the leaves a little bit, thx.

yup! the soil is all salty now and the water is being sucked out of the plant to try to balance the solution!!!
There is likely a salty build-up from too much love...If the soil is saltier than the tissues of the plant...the plant can lose it's moisture through the roots...kinda like if we drink salt water our blood cells shrivel up trying to balance the solution...it looks like you loved them alot...I would expect leaf drop, as these things do not happen over night, nor are they fixed quickly. I am not a fan of drowning plants (flushing) but from the pics, it is likely better than just watering. the run off will be good for house/garden plants...It would... IMO... after flushing, be better if the temps are not too cool...so the plants transpire and the soil dries out... :bigjoint:



Active Member
its not because of cheap nutes its because of to much. just lower the dosage when you feed again


Well-Known Member
this is kinda random but i was wondering as a plant gets bigger, should u wean them off 24/0 and give them a couple hours of dark time to recharge even if your still in veg?
1st off looking at the new growth on the last pic of the newest pics...I have a plant doing this right now, and it has happened before...the heavily wrinkled new growth...It seems the best I could track down was Zinc...not that I could do anything about it...I read about putting a few galvanized nails in your rez...never tried.

The wrinkled condition seems to also stunt the growth....DO NOT PUT TO FLOWER UNTIL SHE RELAXES!!!! or she will be slow to stretch...I have this now with the newest girl into flower...she is starting to relax, but is behind in height and will probably have to be elevated through the whole flower time (pain in the ass!)

The only thing I have done is use plain water until it returns to normal, but then I am behind in N...A k-train that did this right before flower never recovered.

As for the 24/0...I feel that it is somewhat stressful for some strains...I would ween them off the 24/0, just to limit the stress a little (I am hermiephobic!) I ran my veg box 24/0 at first and then backed it down to 16/8 I find the most growth seems to happen over night...I really think that the strain matters here as some will have phenomenal success on 24/0

Everything I say is my opinion, but most of it is based on my experience...for whatever that is worth:-?



damn the ak never recovered? that makes me sad, after flushing and only water its already starting to perk up a bit, although i think u may be right about the zinc, i was considering several secondary nutrients, but i cant find any secondary nutrient nutes in walmart or home depot (weed hatin bastards). i already took a clone of this plant incase things go south but im definitely going to let her fix herself before i even think about starting flowering, after all shes been in veg for a longass time, why hurry her now.

i think i agree with u on the light, at least for bigger plants, i think they need to do shit in night time that cant get done during the day although with flourescents im loathe to surrender any time that i could be feeding it lumens. i just hope 2 25 wat 6500k grow lights will be enough to see it through flowering anyways.


Well-Known Member
i just hope 2 25 wat 6500k grow lights will be enough to see it through flowering anyways.
If I read this right...50 total watts...although the plant will grow...you might consider a couple of 42W (walmart...spiral 8.97...sometimes have old straight ones for .99...HD may also have 65w.) if you want to get much of anything.

Remember that the amount of nutes you give is relative to the amount used...and if she is growing really slow, she is using very little.



i feel ya, i want to get a HPS bulb to finish this harvest out right but im trying to find a used one for cheap


Well-Known Member
i feel ya, i want to get a HPS bulb to finish this harvest out right but im trying to find a used one for cheap
Craigslist...and I am sure you meant that you wanted an HPS light (fixture)...if you score one used, make sure you replace the bulb!!! even though they are still burning, they lose quite a bit of their actual output.

When I ordered mine, I upgraded to the AgroSun spectrum adjusted bulb, but they were out of stock...they shipped me a standard bulb for free...and the AgroSun came 2 or 3 days later:mrgreen:

I saved the standard bulb. After about a year burning the fancy bulb 12/12, I replaced with the other bulb...the plants responded a little bit, and it was noticeably brighter.

Also I shared some clones with my ex wifes dealer dude and he grew them with a used light, that was not even firing the bulb fully...it was kind of a joke...so be careful!

IMO with as cheap as lights are at places like HTG supply...the only reason to buy used is for the hood...but you could score a working/fixable ballast at the same time!...And unless you are going vertical (no hood needed) I would say go air-cooled for sure...and factor in the blower! (good used)

Oh...one other reason to buy used is no risking UPS sharing your purchase info! And not being seen loading up the trunk at the local hydro store!
