LEAFY, LEAFY, LEAFY and little bud


Active Member
Hello -

Been growing for quite some time and for the second time, I have these mutant LEAFY plants - they were perfectly normal until a few weeks after they went into the bud area - then lots of vegitaiton and virtually no bud (wispy, not solid) Plants are in organic stuff (from grow shop - just a generic growing medium - been using for years) and using ESU Bloom for fertalizer. I have 2 strains and the Big Bud is normal has buds and normal leaves. The other strain is very wispy (may be Afghani) but has produced in the past - now it has been in flowering for 9 weeks and the plants are realy tall (like they grew much taller than tthe others) and are LEAFY -like where there should be buds it looks like a 1000 leafs everywhere on the top and no solid buds.

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, iv seen way way smaller budding on thai haze plants, let the plant grow out, probably has a longer flowering period then your used to. I flower 70 days in soil. The green leafy growth on the main top bud suggests she still has a while to go.