Lean blunt

me and my friends use straight codeine (yellow drank) to line our blunts. the promethazine in purple, or what is now dark red, drank only serves as a stomach coating agent which makes the codeine not hit as hard.

i say yellow all the way! lol
Prometh gives u the downer effect like taking opiates and benadryl together for a nod. And stops the itches and potenizes the codeine. Codeine alone is kinda week if u compare to others. Opiates alone dont give no nod just energy out the ass. I quit benadryl so if u want the full body high pass out n sht i say valium over opiates
I think its some overrated bullshit that got hyped up by lil wayne.
I tried them all and put it on dutches.It cant compare to popping some percs and smoking.
My lungs would commit suicide if i ever thought about smoking a blunt again let alone drenched in a syrup black lungs a bitch