Learn with me: The blind leading the blind

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Look up for a carbon scrubber, either bought (expensive) or DIY. There are tons of DIY instructables on the DIY section.
It will kill the odor.

If you need something meanwhile get some odor eliminating gel. I think theres one called ONA or something like that. People say it works well. I use a carbon filter.


It has been a while since I posted. The weather decided to turn warm again and has caused a bit of havoc with my temps. I am combatting it as best I can.

My plants are not exactly healthy at the moment. Im not sure if it is a nutrient deficiency or something else, but it has me a bit worried.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
when its hot plants halt the photosynthesis, or at least stop it by far. They can NOT proccess fertilizers like a plant within the "normal' temperature range and so they become very sensitive to over-feeding.
If you can't fix up more ventilation (Thats how I grow when its 45C outside) go low with the ferts and wait until it gets cooler again.

Another thing to remember is that when air is imobile the hot air goes up and the cold air goes down.
Thats why your intake should take air from floor-level and your exhaust should take the air from over the bulb.
Fans should be put as low as possible directing upward to get the cold air up and not the hot air down.

It does make a difference.

As your plants become weaker due to decrease in photosynthesis they will be much more sensetive to any kind of stress, so try biasing the PH correctly, keep everything clean, lookout for any bugs \ pests and kill them before they oppose any danger and when you see anything weird post it right away.

You should expect getting twisting leaves, some decoloration, lower leaves falling once in a while and overall weakness.
By keeping everything else correct you should be fine though.

Good luck :) keep us posted.


My plants are looking much happier and healthier now. I have transplanted them to larger vessels and replaced my Miracle Gro soil with some Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I found some nice tall square pots at the same shop i got the soil and they seem to be perfect for my needs. I also picked up some Fox Farms Gro Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom.

Right now I have a total of 8 plants. I sent out two of my babies for adoption and killed two for purely sadistic purposes. I will post a bunch of pics later tonight.


Active Member
As you can see in these pictures I have a mortal enemy which tries to thwart me at every opportunity.

I must be extra vigilant to make sure that this beast does not destroy my precious work.

Yea my cats try to get in the closet every day as well. Never had problems with them hurting the plants or anything yet


Well-Known Member
looks like a lil bit of transplant shock or something i took a few males outdoors from a small pot to a bigger pot an they freaked put like that! you should have sexed up all of your plants before you went to hacking. your gunna be upset when you have three males in your batch an wish you kept the other prospects


The soil was a little dry on the top at the time, but seemed to be moist enough underneath. I watered the other plants at the same time, so i didnt figure that it was just thirsty. They all seem a bit dry this evening and I am planning on watering and giving a dose of Gro Big.

Thus far my cat has seemed completely uninterested in my plants. She loves to get in the closet and lay down, but she doesnt bother anything. I have to leave the closet open when my lights are on, but she has little interest in the closet unless I am doing something in it at the time. Cats are like that.

The plants that I killed were dying anyway. Their death will not be in vain, they died so that others may live. I will remember their noble sacrifice.

Welcome to the thread Motorboat and Smokey, I appreciate you stopping by.


My pots are 9 inches tall and 7 inches square. I have eight plants. The last watering was Monday Nov. 16th. I used two gallons of water and had 1\2 tsp of Gro Big in each gallon and divided it between the plants evenly. I am thinking of going to a full dose of Gro Big with my next watering. Im not exactly sure how much water I should be giving the plants, but I would rather not give them enough than too much.


So I was thinking of going to a 12\12 light cycle. I have 8 plants in the closet right now, and its getting pretty crowded. I would really like to get any males out of my closet now, just to avoid stunting the growth of potential females.

Anybody have any input?


Well-Known Member
So I was thinking of going to a 12\12 light cycle. I have 8 plants in the closet right now, and its getting pretty crowded. I would really like to get any males out of my closet now, just to avoid stunting the growth of potential females.

Anybody have any input?

Dooooooo it :bigjoint:. Looks good man, mind you once you put them into flower they will double at least in size.


Well, if they are going to double size in flower, then it would probably be best to start now, because that would probably be at capacity for me. I can afford for them to double in size, but any bigger than that would be a bit too much I think.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
my way of doing it is to flower when plants fill the room and no direct light gets to the floor.
they will double in height, but width will stay pretty much the same.
if you have issues with height this is the time to tie them and bend them over to form a screen around the light. then they will shoot straight to the light, you will move it higher as needed and trim for the first 3 weeks any undergrowth that doesn't get enough light.