Learning Up In This B*tch

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Holy shit dude, that room really came together. Thats a lot of greenery in those cups! Well done. Glad to hear your finding your path back to health.
It's amazing what a full day of picking things up and setting things down can do, as the old lady says lolol, thanks brother. I'm really really happy to almost be done with it, my Bp is even going down a little bit :)
Well CN you and Aero have knocked that room out in fine style can't wait to see it
all filled up. :wink:

He sure did hit it out of the park yesterday :) I'll be up potting tmrw I think, I know I keep saying that, but I finally dragged a tray out back to the yard to scrub down and have a clean surface to work on tomorrow :)

Fine clean work there Aero.
Is that an A/C unit in the top left corner?and behind it,is that your lung room?
You got it brother, it's pretty much a fresh air room in the back behind the door, will be working on constructing some sort of veg room early next year for veg, but will have to maintain the air flow, when the mini split is installed in spring time, it'll be a bit different, but I won't be needing too much ac for long, air in and air out will be the magic thru winter, then the room will be sealed with co2 in the spring /summer
My area is low on humidity and I need a humidifier...pray tell!...what should I buy?
I bought a Vornado, it's pretty sweet and works well. It's kind of like a swamp cooler, it doesn't blow steam or whatever the normal ones do, you fill up 5 gallons of water and it slowly drains into a pan with a fan that blows upwards. Hard to explain but here's a pic. Not sure how big your room is, but I raised my rh in my house (open floor plan minus bedrooms) 5% over night. It takes a couple days to get going then maintains it easily with a refill every 2 or 3 days. I got it for my drying room because I don't like the idea of white fumes coming out of a humidifier, this blows nothing but invisible humidity :p I'd say it would do 500sqf or so after a few days of refilling it daily
Here's a little solo cup root porn, not much room left in there, this one's been Going through limp stages from underwatering a lot but still keeps trucking along, I want to make it my dosido mama if she doesn't die on me haha. But this is the reason mini cubes > blocks imo, I'm never going back. Can't believe I forgot about them after running them for a few crops and doing OK with no rw experience ha
One more day left of odds and ends and then I just have to put together the dtw buckets and plumbing, build a pvc manifold and trellis frames!! :D

Ill be using 4 port drip manifolds, which will drip for 2 plants, I'll have a water shut off below each of the manifolds. I'll be using 4" floraflex caps, each with 2 1/4" open ended drip lines. Each light will have stationary (I won't be able to change it which sucks, but whatever) 12 plants per light, as I'll be plumbing 12 buckets per light, so I won't be able to do more than 12, but I'd be able to do less which I probably won't, but meh, it's OK. I'd like to do 15 occasionally but it is what it is.
It gets the girls fresh air doesn't it?, function first my friend you can fix it later.
Great job from you and Aero. :clap::clap:

It sure does and you got that right! That fans been with me for years, I won't let her go until she shits the bed :D 95% of the credit goes to Aero, he's a machine! He's older than me but moves around like I used to 5 years ago before I broke my back, it's crazy lol
Oh, I decided the clone lineup!
Ill be doing one light of 1/2 dosido and 1/2 animal cookies, I figure I should give those a small run to see if I can get passed the small bud issue I was getting with the drip system, better safe than sorry! If all goes smooth, I'll do a light of each next run. I'll be doing a light of mendo Breath and a light of Bubba kush as well. I've only run one plant of the Bubba a while ago but she was a knock out so happy I kept her and really stoked to be able to get a real run in with her
Looking excellent in there brother. props to aeroknow and yourself for getting it up and functional.
Thanks my man, the end is in sight! Got the lights up and transplanted enough clones to get started and finally got a path way to walk thru in the grow room lol. How are you doing man, any good news your way?
Anyone try great white with rockwool? Am thinking about sprinkling some on the cubes next time I water. Been looking for a good transplant formula to get the roots locked in the media a bit quicker after transplant
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