Leave curling/Plants under heat stress? CFL [Pics]


Well-Known Member
Bro, looks like you have too much heat for sure, reduce the distance between your seedlings and the light hahaha,


Hi - having some issues with two of my plants. I think this is due to them being too hot, so for now I have the fan directly on the light and opened another ventiliation hole for better circulation of air with a wide open window. It is not uncomfortable for my hand to be between the plant and the light and they are not too close to the light (2" away at least).

They are under a 250W CFL (Blue 6400K) which is cool running. They are 1 and a half weeks old. I havent added any nutes, but the soil i'm using has added food (good quality soil). The plants have a pH level of 6.6.

Plant 1 is looking very sad with a lot of curling and wilting. She was fine 2 days ago. She was also a little bit larger two days ago. (Maybe she is losing too much moisture from heat?)

Plant 2 is suffering some of the same, but not as bad. I hope it stops soon.

Plant 3 is still looking healthy however.

Do you have any ideas that could help, or what could be causing the curling?

Thanks :bigjoint:


Active Member
I think it is probabily heat, but there is only one CFL with a good distance between plants. One of the plants is doing a lot better than the others. I have been using a desktop fan to try and keep them cool. I might have overlooked the temperature beacuse of the 'low heat' CFL though :(. But it has never been uncomfortable for my hand to be there though.

Is it worth trying to save the damaged ones? Whats the best way to reduce the temp to save them? I have them this far away from the light:



Active Member
Looks like heat stress to me.

Your soil looks like cheap 5$ a bag stuff. You said it's quality, what brand? What's it's ingredients?

Number 2 & 3 look VERY stretched.

It doesn't matter if the temp. is comfortable with your hand. It's the plant that is effected by the temp. They shouldn't be getting hit with anything much hotter than 80'F.

2 inches seems pretty close for a 250watt CFL.

Is it ACTUALLY 250watts? Or is it one of those "equal to the output of a 250watt bulb" things?


Active Member
I used this soil http://www.hydroponic-shop.com/product_info.php?products_id=717.

'BioBizz All Mix - 50 ltr Sack

All-Mix was developed especially to be the best potting soil for organic cultivation. It consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality organic worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix. Watering is sufficient for plant growth'

I bought it from a local hydro shop and it is what the guy recommended me.

If 2+3 are stretched, then I would of thought I had them far enough away from the light if they are trying to get near it? Is the damage saveable?

Thanks for the replies btw :]


Active Member
You need to figure out the temps and not go by what your hand feels. Get a thermometer.. they are cheap. Get a digital one, not a dial one. Then we can diagnose better.


Active Member
Already bought one online as soon as I noticed damaged, should be here today, though temperature should not be a problem now, I want to save the plants if I can. Plant 1 will die most likely, but Plant 2 is still looking good, minus the curling leaves.


Well-Known Member
U shudnt be using aluminium foil for reflection because it creates hot spot, not good for the plant!


Well-Known Member
THAT AINT A 250 CFL IS IT? ? ? ?
and a 250w cfl is actually same as 1339w of actual of flourescent tubes.
TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
1) The CFL looks like a 125, but I'm sure 250's aren't that much bigger, so its hard to say for sure.

2) It looks like heat stress. First thing to do is get a thermometer and lower the temp to 75-82. What's your humidity? pH? How many hours of light a day are you giving them? It could be a number of things you aren't currently checking.

3) They are stretched, which is OK. Why didn't you fill your pots to the brim with soil? This would have helped a little.

NOW, all three of your plants should still live. Marijuana is very hardy and will come back from almost anything you do to it. I can see in one pic your first set of serrated leaves is shriveled and dying, but you can see the next set growing right on in. Don't give up on them!

To counter the stretching, add soil the pots until the first node (where the first set of leaves started growing) is just barely exposed. The plant will turn the stretched stem into a root and will actually help it grow.

Figure out your temps first. Then, figure out watering. They need time between waterings for the roots to dry thoroughly and absorb oxygen. Overwatering is #1 pitfall.

Don't give them nutes yet! They are too young! Wait until at least 3 weeks and then give 1/4 diluted concentration and work your up slowly.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
also, what kind of reflector are you using for that cfl? it looks like a mirror, which is good if it is not really a mirror, but really bad if it is! Don't use foil or mirrors! You went to hydro store to get soil right? Get some mylar or white plastic from there too!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Ha ha I just looked at the date of his initial posts--February! I'm sure something has changed between then and now.