leave in the dark for 2 days?


Active Member
Hey guys im on my first grow, I've got about 3 weeks of flowering left till I crop, Ive been reading that people say its a good idea to turn your lights off for 48-72hrs before you crop to induce resin? is this correct?


Well-Known Member
i think it is, im not sure but when i harvested i gave 42 hours before cutting

if it does induce resin its not by much only by an extra 2%, but supose every last little bit is worth it.


Well-Known Member
i did 32hrs before i flowered and i'm gunna do the same when i harvest next friday so i will let you know.i've also read about it and that many people say to do it so it must work


Well-Known Member
you might aswell give them both 48 hours of dark, just incase you do see an improvement


Active Member
yea i guess but i was also thinking about the hairs? if i should let 1 plant get more yellow hairs than the other? differnt high? ill be posting pics soon, think you'll be quite surprised at my first eva grow


Well-Known Member
no tric's r the crystals not the hairs you need a magnefier so see them realy.i think there's a post in my thread about it with a good picture and explanation.click the link in my signature it's in there some where


Well-Known Member
well from what i've read not all the time.i got a 30x loupe off ebay for 89p maybe should of got a 50x but i can see them and if i couldnt i would i have chopped last friday.i've still got some clear tric's and only the odd amber one that's not good.


Well-Known Member
2 days before harvest is good, they think the season is over (cuz of no light for 2 days) and its going to be winter, knowing they will die, they release all the stored up resin from them.