Leaves are "Canoeing" -- Too Much Water?


Well-Known Member
Thanks seamaiden,

I assume the purpose of LST is to produce a greater yeild, am I correct? I'll do a search and find your thread. Thanks for the explaination... It helps alot...


That is one purpose, yes. The other is to keep the plant more contained, especially if space, and especially vertical space, is limited. :)

You're quite welcome.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I poked 4 small holes in the sides of the cups. They're very small, how big should they be?

Here's what they look like this morning:

They're just growing. If you're growing out of cups,be sure your holes are big enough so that excess water can drain properly.


Well-Known Member
They look ok to me, MG soil does do some odd things to plants though, never had very good luck with MG soil, especially the time release formula. Perhaps when you transplant you could make your own soil? Worm castings are good, pretty hard to over nute with organics, so i wouldn't worry about burnin them with the worm poo, possible burn from MG soil though. Anyways everything looks pretty good to me, i wouldn't worry too much about the plants tendency to shoot the leaves upward like that. Perhaps its the plants way of worshipping the sun god known as CFL?

Strolling Stoned

Active Member
They look ok to me, MG soil does do some odd things to plants though, never had very good luck with MG soil, especially the time release formula. Perhaps when you transplant you could make your own soil? Worm castings are good, pretty hard to over nute with organics, so i wouldn't worry about burnin them with the worm poo, possible burn from MG soil though. Anyways everything looks pretty good to me, i wouldn't worry too much about the plants tendency to shoot the leaves upward like that. Perhaps its the plants way of worshipping the sun god known as CFL?
Thanks nodrama, that's reassuring... Here's a :joint: for ya!