Leaves are curling and druping

1st week of veg using oxypots and the leaves are curling 1st timer so not sure what I'm doing wrong... Using 400 watt light oxypots and feeding vitelink a and b and biopac light hanging 1m above temp between 70-80.. Plz help...


Active Member
nowhere near enough info here. let me ask. do you mean you have a 1 week old seedling? if so is it under 400w? and you feeding nutes? when i ask these questions it sounds crazy but thats what your post implies, if so there is way too much goin on too soon. a seedling that young cant handle that much heat yet. that could lead to wilting. also if your feeding nutes already stop. it doesnt need them yet. need more info. goodluck
No it's a cutting which I was told it was ok to feed straight off.. It's about 4" tall in rock wool cube in oxypot?? What info do you need to no.. Like I said new to this so sorry if I'm not so accurate with questions... Thanks


Active Member
no prob. a cutting sounds better but i didnt want to assume. wilting can be cause by a slew of things. i wouldnt worry unless it was over a lond period of time. are going soil or hydo? a cutting may undergo slight signs of stress after being put under an hid for the 1st time. not sure where you got it or what light it was under before. all things come into play at this stage. i would suggest you watch the height of the light to make sure its not too close, use the hand test if your not sure. pics would help, make sure you dont over or under water. and give it some time to bounce back before you try to troubleshoot. most times it just needs a little time to adjust to a new settup. goodluck
Ok thank you for your help so I'll give it a a week yeah and see how it goes.. It is hydro and the light is 1m above so I'll keep eye on it yes... Thank you


Well-Known Member
bro its just out of seedling stage and is stressed under that light, dont over water, no nutes for a week and it will recover.