Leaves are looking funny.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
lol ah no, no we dont know what it is, how funny do they look, like funny make you laugh? or funny make you wana cry? Maybe a pic might do some justice..


New Member
looks like nute burn(only you know what you`ve done to them in the previous few days), id try flushing with ph balanced water and no nutrients, and then wait 3 days. doing things slowly is your best asset, and find a good bit of info on plant deficiences and problems.


New Member
you want to avoid nutrient lock out, build up of salts in your medium and nute burn, so flushing the soil, meaning if you have a one gallon pot, flush out and saturate the soil w 3 gallons of water and you should see new growth and better results. its a rule of thumb to use half of suggested nutrients, or at least what they say on the bottle when you start adding nutes again.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn is also my diagnosis. Those leaves look super green, almost blue. Back off the nutes a little. Nutes are vitamins for the plant not food, so more doesn't mean better.


New Member
i should also say, if you watered yesterday or even two days ago and today you saw those couple leaves, dont be surprised if you get more burn on other leaves as well and for the next couple days. I would definitely flush as soon as you can to minimize any further burn. i personally would rather over water once than suffer massive burn throughout stunting more and longer time for recovery than waiting till it is your next scheduled watering. especially in flower.