Leaves are Looking thin


Well-Known Member
DAY 18 of flowering, Day 34 Overall

Been watering with a consistant 6.5 ph and the temp is around 70 when lights are on and 60 when lights are off. They are on 12/12 and ive been using fox farm nutes at 1/2 strength. Leaves are looking thin to me. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
looks like over fert of Nitrogen to me. what are the NPK ratios of your nutes and what strengths and schedule you been feeding them?


Well-Known Member
ive been feeding them half strength Fox farm everyother water, bigbloom, and tigerbloom. I believe the tiger is 2-8-4..


Well-Known Member
I mean they look like they are budding nicely for 18 days-usually that claw look equates to an overfert of N. what's the N ratio in the FoxFarms?
also what ph are you running?
I seein some photos chlorosis with green veins but starting at the petiole and working down towards leaf.


Well-Known Member
Im looking online and it says foxfarm tiger bloom npk ratio is 2-8-4 and the big bloom is .01-0.3-0.7. So I dont know too much about fertz and over doing something yet. This is my second grow so im pretty much a nub still. If it is over N, what should I do? Ill post some more pictures on sunday to show you how they look.