leaves are turning yellow plz help


My plants are starting to get yellow leaves. one plant is doing worse than the other. They are about 20 days into flower. I feed them jacks classic blossom booster. I dont know if its nute burn or if they are lacking nitrogen?... they have been doing really good until like 3 days ago they started yellowing. Is it fixable or do i have to just deal with it.


Well-Known Member
pic would help. 20 days into flower is a bit early...but if it's just a leaf here an there...I wouldn't worry too much. Once they are 10 - 14 days away from chop...I'll have quite a few yellow leaves...


jacks classic blossom booster its 10-30-20. its not the best I know but I'm gonna quit using it till i get this figured out. I have been watering them everyday as needed lightly not alot about a quarter gallon at the most and have only been giving them nutes like twice a week and at half the directed amount


i was wondering about that. the veg mix was 20-20-20 of the jacks and they really liked it in veg


Active Member
shouldnt actually you could use both of them together i bought the dynamic duo just use 1/4 of each the jacks 20 20 20 and jacks blossom booster should be good for 1 gallon


Well-Known Member
High nitrogen isn't recommended during flower but you do need it occasionaly to maintain healthy foilage.
You might be over watering a little. You could try watering heavy when you do then leave them alone untill the soil has dried out. That soil needs to dry between waterings. Put nutrients in transplanted them last week letting them use the nutrients in the soil.Just my thoughts. that may have prevent the leaves yellow


transplant why? I've heard of flushing to rid the plant of nute taste, but not transplanting. the soil gets pretty dry when I water, I use the lifting technique as well as sticking my finger in the dirt. I dont water them very heavily either max is about 1/4 gallon, if I dont they start to wilt and die. somebody already told me I was over watering a few weeks ago about when I started flowering so i backed off on the water to find my plant slumped to the side and all the leaves wilty. seems as long as i keep my water schedual they stay perky except lately with the yellowing, the yellow leaves are kinda limp some smaller lower ones are dieing


Active Member
hey man I'm having basically the exact same problem.

From what I can gather, the best thing to do is to just add some of your veg nutes in with your feeds (only start with small amounts). This will give your plant the N it needs to get through the 'stretch' period of flower.

After this, the leaves will NOT turn green again, but that does not matter, the plant will continue to use this leaf for a valuable resource. Do not cut it off.

As long as you give a solid flush 2 weeks before you chop, you can be sure that your MJ will be free of that N taste, and you'll have a nice smooth herb to smoke. The extra N will not hurt your plants.

Hope that helps bro. I'm about to give it a try tomorrow. Will let you know!


ok thanks I'll give them some veg nutes later gotta let things dry out a bit more but I'll definately give it a try how many feedings should I give them