Leaves burning? Brown spots and curling(pictures)


Active Member
I just started growing for the first time and it has been going well up until a little while ago. i started on 3/28 so its been about a month now and Im using a compact fluorescent bulb. My plant was fine until i took the bulb out of the desk lamp i was using and put it in a work lamp somebody gave me like this

i switched back to the desk lamp now and i keep the bulb about 2 inches from the top of the plant. Im thinking it may be a problem with nutes, water or the lighting, does anybody know? And should i prune the dead leaves?
Here are some pictures of the plant- you can see how the new leaves grow healthy but they eventualy develop the same probem...



Well-Known Member
YOUCH!!!! looks like you tried to smoke that poor little baby....
if I try an help you are you going to share how it works out for you as you go along??


Well-Known Member
First you have to take it out of that clear pop bottle with NO drain holes.
get a nice little opaque pot with drain holes for her.{clear plastic will KILL the roots. they need to be kept dark at al times and YOU never want them standing in water ergo drain holes} and mix some vermiculite or perlite in with your MG soil. better drainage.won't compact on you.
then YOU need a fan!!! your lights close it gets HOT inside the plastic with NO air.
YOUCH...I don't mean blow the roots right off her just a gentle little breeze. now I have no idea what you mean by desk lamp... BUT i can tell you a flood
light is wayyyyyyyyy to hot. so find a little thermometer doesn't have to be fancy. just to check the temp. you can do the back of the hand trick. if your hand feels hot trust me the plant is burning up. last but not least DO NOT feed her. she is stressed enough already. so just baby her back and then real easy give her a little bit when she is feeling better.
find out just what kind of a bulb you have and get back to me.
and be gently with her she is not happy with you right now. but not beyond repair.


Well-Known Member
Good advice, looks just like that poor little thing on page 256of the Medical Growers Bible,Jorge Cervantes.

Not the best book,but a good investment.


Active Member
First you have to take it out of that clear pop bottle with NO drain holes.
get a nice little opaque pot with drain holes for her.{clear plastic will KILL the roots. they need to be kept dark at al times and YOU never want them standing in water ergo drain holes} and mix some vermiculite or perlite in with your MG soil. better drainage.won't compact on you.
then YOU need a fan!!! your lights close it gets HOT inside the plastic with NO air.
YOUCH...I don't mean blow the roots right off her just a gentle little breeze. now I have no idea what you mean by desk lamp... BUT i can tell you a flood
light is wayyyyyyyyy to hot. so find a little thermometer doesn't have to be fancy. just to check the temp. you can do the back of the hand trick. if your hand feels hot trust me the plant is burning up. last but not least DO NOT feed her. she is stressed enough already. so just baby her back and then real easy give her a little bit when she is feeling better.
find out just what kind of a bulb you have and get back to me.
and be gently with her she is not happy with you right now. but not beyond repair.
Thank you for the help so far, ill make sure to share how it goes as i go along lol..
Heres the kind of light im using-
  • compact fluorescent bulb (CFL)
  • 19 watts
  • 1200 lumen's
  • soft white
  • manufacturer- Sylvania
And its in a lamp like this:



Well-Known Member
I am checking with a couple folks about light bulbs right now I don't use clf's so refuse to misinform.
but there is one thing just drives me nuts. lol lol lol I am so sorry I do not mean to be critical. and hope it dosent seem that way. but my gosh YOU have open electric with out a gfi switch round where water can get on it.
don't you have an extra power strip Like I hope your using on your pc. so if you have a power surge or WATER spills you don't short out everything... plug everthing into that and hang it up out of the way of everything.
and no I am not trying to pick on you.
I just saw that poor little plant and thought to myself....
YOU can save her.
and I for one want to watch that happen.
I am still looking into clf info.


Well-Known Member
read that ... thats from RIU growFAQ upper button top of the page 2ed from the left under rollitup logo. lots of great info there. and I am aswell sending a grow journal
Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics). - Marijuana Growing
that feller has to be the king of the AO grow and did it all under clf.
may give you a better idea whats going to be happening. I know your soil and he is water but the lighting. he did clevor resolve for lighting. and is a living example how just how much light can make a differance.


Well-Known Member
yea take that poor little plant out of that 2liter bottle asap! put it in a nice big pot that way the roots can survive. once you do that it will look alot better! camon man if you cant do better than that pot you need to quit.


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys, i changed the pot today and it already is looking better. Just the nice looking pot makes the plant look nicer :mrgreen:
And I also moved the cords out of the way. I do have a surge but i cant hook it up yet because they require an outlet with a ground wire and the ones you see in the picture do not have one, so i need a different extension cord. i do have some sort of adapter thing that is an outlet with the ground wire slot and it plugs into a regular outlet but there is a little metal piece that comes off the end and im not sure how to ground that, (it says you need a screw?)
That is also one reason why i cant hook up my high pressure sodium lamp, the cord has a ground wire, the second reason is because i need a fan lol.
And i saw before you said not to feed her
last but not least DO NOT feed her.
what do you mean by that? water or nutes? i havent gotten nutes yet i didnt think i needed them yet! For now im just using bottled water, i mist the plant a few times a day and water her every few days when the soil is dry, is that ok?


Well-Known Member
perfect. careful with the misting.
heat/wet/BURN be careful I say for I don't know your temps.
One of the common mistakes of folks when they have a little one in the shape your is in.
is thinking if I give her a little food then she will feel better.
WOOPS.... Not so. easy rule of thumb to remember. if YOU have the flue and just feel like crap and someone very lovingly mind you starts pouring food down you whats going to happen. your going to puke... thats whats going to happen. well can happen with plants to. keep a photo record I am serious.
a day by day record then in the future you can look with pride. as well share with someone else your own Personal experance with a better understanding of how it all works together.
and I would if you don't mind like to add a personal comment on your page if thats ok with you.


Well-Known Member
we all have to start some place. It is wrong to be To critical. No one knows everything. we ALL need help time to time. ALL of us have the wonderful brain dead moments. LIKE ME!!! in building my room I don't know air and plumbing. but the fellers that helped me were kind. case in point.
a quote:
MrsMcGreggor: I am standing there looking at the parts list only {tore off everything else said a little to much if I found a store clerk.} and all of a sudden went brain dead.
if you have an end cap on your scrubber how is it supposto blow the air threw the scrubber threw the duct? I came home with rubber grommets. perlite. and pots. I didn't even dare get the duct if you said 6 inch fan adapt a 6 inch scrubber to a 8 inch duct.
or 6 inch fan adapt a 4 inch scrubber to a 6.....8..... heavens what? size duct and how the heck do you install I even had the instructions there and i couldn't figure out how the air could go threw and out a duct unless its in the duct BUT then theres that solid cap on the end. talk about feeling dumb...... but I backed off and didn't make a mistake.
so I have to ask....
how do i get air to go threw the scrubber... and make it outside threw the chimney using THAT carbon scrubber design????

Had anyone said anything like this to me.
camon man if you cant do better than that pot you need to quit
I would have cried & wanted to just quit. But I was blessed with this.

Quote: from Panhead.
Using that design the air is sucked or pulled into the filter through the carbon filter wrapped around the screen,if you did not have the ends cap air would not pass through the carbon filter,it would just be pulled in from the open end,passing right by the carbon filter instead of being filtered.

Kindness Like that made this possible.



Active Member
thank you very much, i appreciate the help and the kindness.i have a feeling she will be doing better. i have been keeping a day by day photo journal but ive been slacking a little lately since my phone ran out of picture space, i need to transfer them to the computer and clear up space. i shouldnt be using that camera in the first place but my moms camera isnt always around and the picture quality on my camera isnt so great..