Leaves clawing. Used no nutes


Well-Known Member
could be N def and need bigger pots and do you ph water, your leaf claw is nothing compared to mine in 2007all all upper newer leaf growth was like eagle claws forgot what caused it other than that your plants look nice green healthy but better wait for more exp grower


New Member
I PH my water to 6.5-7 and just gave them a 1/4 dose of 18/18/20 nutes. I'm realizing I need to up the container size. They're needing water every 2 days in those pots now. They start to droop after 3 days and perk up right when I water them. But I don't think their health is from being root bound just hoping someone could give me a better idea


Active Member
well if your meter on that shelf is correct and it is around 80 at the base of the plants, I wonder what it is at the canopy level? Try getting them some coolness.


New Member
70-85 off/on I was wondering about the heat by the bulbs about a week or 2 ago I experienced a little canoeing right before they clawed. I moved the light up and they seemed to recover from canoeing but the clawing had started and my biggest concern is the yellow/dying leaves. Could be a mixture of heat/nutrient deficiency?


Well-Known Member
The soil may just be to high? I have the same exact problem and my leaves look just like yours. Look into it. If you think that's what it is flush the soil to dilute it.


Well-Known Member
place something between bottom of pots and drip pans. full drainage must be allowed.
grow on.
oh.......pot up, maybe. and, you're sure that soil's not hot, right? they are indeed a bit dark.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look fine dude. Nothing to worry about at all, maybe just a little hot by the bulbs.
Just repot soon and dont listen to people telling you to flush.


Well-Known Member
aint nothin wrong at all i can see . if yore flowering under those cfl's top them or lst cause there aint gonna b enuff light to get anywhere close to the bottom of plant and she'll waste energy on stretching and not flowering .


Well-Known Member
how dare any of you give suggestions, differing from mine, none the less, after I have give the correct answer.

lbj kill that man.jpg

take them away.........they're subversives.