Leaves cracking? Whats going on here!!!???


Active Member
I am doing an outdoor grow this year and this girl is pretty behind on her growth as she was put out alot earlier than normal. Her leaves are doing fine with the exception of one of them looks like it is cracking. I dont know whats going on here. There doesnt seem to be any pests on the plant, and there is no noticeable discoloration to the leaves. Please help me figure out what is causing this so i can fix it.




Active Member
its probably a bug, based on where you live and the time of year, it is most likely diabrotica aka cucumber beetle. they look kind of like green lady bugs. they munch your leaces but dont do much damage. you may want to get a preying mantis egg sack if you are going to grow that baby outdoors. as long as the plant is big enough when they hatch a few will live in it their whole lives. they do pretty well controlling nibbling bugs unless you have a major problem. when it gets a bit bigger you can start spraying it to repel bugs. pyrethrin is good preventative.


Active Member
i haven't really found anything that works great. garlic oil spray repels some chewing bugs, a spray made of tea made from the leaves of tomatoes contains alkaloids that repel some bugs. i use garlic spray on my roses and a few other perennials that attract aphids.

This is a concentrated mixture!!! Dilute before using!!!

mince the garlic.
place in an ample amount of mineral oil. about 1/2 TBS per large clove, let sit over night.
strain off and save oil, discard garlic
warm 2 cups of water per TBS garlic oil
add one teaspoon of dish soap per 2 cups of warm water, mix well
add one tablespoon of garlic oil per 2 cups of warm soap water, mix well

This is a concentrated mixture!!! Dilute before using!!!!!:D

this mix will store for a couple months

Add half a cup of concentrate to one gallon of water, adjust pH and apply

i have only used this on cannabis a few times, once the test leaf curled over night. always test a leaf or 2 and wait a day before applying to your plants.