leaves curl down


Well-Known Member
just wondering if anyone can tell me why i have leaves curling down? not just the tips, but the whole leaf, like if it were to hot they curl upward along the sides...but mine curl down.

thanks in advance


Active Member
Hey mine are doin the same thing, ive looked thru every thread and comment i can on here and have found nothing to tell me whats causing it


New Member
What's ur ph at? I'm assuming its in soil.. What nutes and how much/how often..how often are u watering... Looks like lockout from off ph or the start of an overfert or an overwater


Well-Known Member
measuring ph has been a problem, had a lot of 'fines' in water, very murky, so i've been flying a bit blind
normally use ph drops which need water that's not too muddy
that said, my plant seems to quite healthy, mostly seeing a bit of curl, and some roll on the upper leaves of the cola
watering about every 4 days, got a little wilt at 5 days, that was my dry limit
i did dolomite the soil on mixing, hoping that has kept ph in a good place


measuring ph has been a problem, had a lot of 'fines' in water, very murky, so i've been flying a bit blind
normally use ph drops which need water that's not too muddy
that said, my plant seems to quite healthy, mostly seeing a bit of curl, and some roll on the upper leaves of the cola
watering about every 4 days, got a little wilt at 5 days, that was my dry limit
i did dolomite the soil on mixing, hoping that has kept ph in a good place

i have 14nts in my gaden and half of them are doin this aswell but the other half are fine a think i have giving them to much water well that what i have put it down to any way, i am 1 week i n to flower so ill just see what happens in next few weeks


Well-Known Member
thnx for the reply, i'm going to post a new thread, my problem is a bit different, mostly i'm just paranoid after frying my 1st plant in MGMC, trying to catch problems quick


thnx for the reply, i'm going to post a new thread, my problem is a bit different, mostly i'm just paranoid after frying my 1st plant in MGMC, trying to catch problems quick
I had similar issues with my hydro setup. I number one increased my nutrient PPM from 1/4 to 1/2, and I also lowered the PH from 6.0 to 5.8. 2 Days later they were as good as new.


Well-Known Member
step away from the watering can dude.

If your plants look like this after the lights have been on for 3 hours to much water roots are having problems, let them dry out.
