Leaves curling hardcore...


Well-Known Member
this doesnt seem like a problem cause by not enough nutes.

if i had to guess just by that one picture in the front of the post, i would say over or under watering.

i keep my lights 18-21 inches above, i have some 600w hps


Well-Known Member
this doesnt seem like a problem cause by not enough nutes.

if i had to guess just by that one picture in the front of the post, i would say over or under watering.

i keep my lights 18-21 inches above, i have some 600w hps
im glad this is happening to other people as well this is my first sativa grow and mine are curling to im pretty sure its nothing to do with nutes as ive flushed mine and changed nute all to no avail. i was thinking it could be the weather cos its winter here and the difference in temp between my night and day cycle must be extream. id be interested if you guys could add any light to my theory


im glad this is happening to other people as well this is my first sativa grow and mine are curling to im pretty sure its nothing to do with nutes as ive flushed mine and changed nute all to no avail. i was thinking it could be the weather cos its winter here and the difference in temp between my night and day cycle must be extream. id be interested if you guys could add any light to my theory
Its winter where I am also, but my winters are not extreme...None of my other plants were doing this. I went on a motorcross trip this weekend and came back and the buds had doubled in size, but the leaves dont look any better...


Well-Known Member
I've had similar problems, solved it by flushing the plants and starting with a fresh fertilization schedule.

This was before flushing, can't see it in these pics but the plant lost quite a bit of bottom leaves due to yellowing, looked like a Nitrogen deficiency at first.

A few days after flushing the new growth doesn't curl anymore and the older leaves don't look nearly as bad as they did before flushing.


See I was going to flush last night (light schedule is 7pm to 7am), but the buds had literally doubled in size since I left friday for my trip. Should I still flush her?


Well-Known Member
Alright ill do that tonight. Thanks for the input guys. Maybe this board has helped others. Ill post my results, along with pics of before I flush. and day by day after the flush.
I'm interested to see this. I have a small clone doing the same thing. I'm pretty sure mine is from heat stress though. I can home from work a week and a half ago and the temps we're 95 in the grow room... One of my fans had broken while I was at work. The temps are in check now, but all the leaves are still curled. Will they ever un-curl?


Well-Known Member
imo... you folks might all be overthinking this... to me it doesn't look like anything but typical sativa curling. have a look around the RIU site at pictures of sativa dominant strains and you'll notice the majority of them look "curly" at the tops during mid to late flowering, i know mine look like that. sativas seem to get yellower than indicas during flowering as well.

just my 2 cents, if i'm wrong somebody correct me...


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if it's heat stress alone or the fact that the water is evaporating faster from the soil than the plant can uptake the nutrients from it, eventually leading to nute lock up in the growing medium.

imo... you folks might all be overthinking this... to me it doesn't look like anything but typical sativa curling. have a look around the RIU site at pictures of sativa dominant strains and you'll notice the majority of them look "curly" at the tops during mid to late flowering, i know mine look like that. sativas seem to get yellower than indicas during flowering as well.

just my 2 cents, if i'm wrong somebody correct me...
Guess that would make sense if it didn't stop happening after I flushed.
i flushed mine, and it seemed a little better the leaves wern't as dry, not a huge difference, but it wasnt a massive flush, il add nutes to the next water. same boatzzzzzz

thats interesting richie, but cant help thinking it doesnt look quite right lol, but the plant IS pretty healthy... hmmm


Well-Known Member
i flushed mine, and it seemed a little better the leaves wern't as dry, not a huge difference, but it wasnt a massive flush, il add nutes to the next water. same boatzzzzzz

thats interesting richie, but cant help thinking it doesnt look quite right lol, but the plant IS pretty healthy... hmmm
Sorry to bust in at the end of the thread, but I have also had the same problem. And "Past Times" mentioned he had the same problem using the marijuan-seeds.nl seedbank. I have also used this seedbank and am experiencing the same results. Mine is white widow. Lights are 12-18" above plants WITH reflector cooltube. PH has stayed locked in at 6.0 on the dot constantly over the past few months; I started flushing today, but I did keep my nutrient around 1600 - 1700 Dutchmaster Gold 2 Part Nutes. (which is a little high). Mine could be over nutes.



Well-Known Member
i gotta admit i do see a lot of sativas with this problem if your buds are growing then it cant be bad im gonna flush mine and see what happenes


Well-Known Member
Sativas are inclined to be fussy feeders and will claw if slightly over fed. There are some strains that are more finicky than others. I believe the original plant in question is a BlueBerry (sorry if I am wrong). If that is the case, then from what I recall they can be bitchy plants when it comes to being fed. So, as bigwitty stated above, it is pretty normal to see in a lot of Sativa's.

If the plant is growing, and you don't see any actual burn. Then my guess is you are fine, at most try backing the nutes down just a little bit and see what happens. So yeah, like my original post says...I think it's just slight over feeding. Nothing major.