Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics


Well-Known Member
I find negative effects when i use superthrive... Im actually going to stop using it all together....it does mess with the ph and im usually too high to just get 1 drop in there...lol...


New Member
my plant is doing the same thing except its not turning yellow...ive come to the conclusion mine is over fertilized because i used MG soil....everytime I water her...the tips curl and the leaves damn near fold in half..im stuck with my problem though because im headed into my 4 th week of flowering....so yeah definately over ferts....


Well-Known Member
my plant is doing the same thing except its not turning yellow...ive come to the conclusion mine is over fertilized because i used MG soil....everytime I water her...the tips curl and the leaves damn near fold in half..im stuck with my problem though because im headed into my 4 th week of flowering....so yeah definately over ferts....
hey man i use mg soil through out my entire grow... i dont have your problems.... which mg soil did you buy?


Well-Known Member
Soil Guide

read that... and this guy has more issues than just his watering or nutrient issues... he has no room and the plants are stretched to hell.... are you flowering these?... your not going to make it in that room!


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem as you, it's best to flush the shit out of her, not just once but couple of times. Cut out the nutes, for now. they can wait, trust me on this. it's not worth killing your plant with nutes, let nature take its course after you flush her. then slowly give her half dosage nutes and then full. I got the same problem as you while my baby was in her flowering stage look at my link on the bottom. I got a track record for this type of problem. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks for all your help guys!

My babies are bouncing back a treat. YIPPIE!!!

I gave them a real good flushing and they started to look a lot better. Let it go for about 5 days,then went shopping and came across a slow release nute that actually had what is in it written on the bottle. First thing I've seen like it in this country.

What do guys think of this for both veg and flowering?
N P K Mg
13 13 13 2

It's the only nute I have available with that info on it so I'm shit out of luck getting anything else but I'd like to know how do you think it will effect, either good or bad, both the vege cycle and flowering cycle.

I should add that after adding the nutes which I cruched up, just a small amount of it, and added it to some water without super thrive this time and gave it to them, they are starting to look great again. I have also put a small amount onto of the soil as the bottle instructs, but only about half of what's recommended, so it goes through when watered.

Thanks again everyone.


Well-Known Member
dude do you have a camera?... Id like you to take a picture of your store garden shelf.... I bet there is other shit in there that you can use... Did you ever talk with some farmers?


Active Member
I'll try and get a photo this weekend when I'm in there. My big problem is everything is written in another language and hardly anyone here speaks English, and those that do would have no idea what I'm talkng about as they have limited English.

I'm not in a part of the country where the major cities are which makes it even more dificult to get my hands on things and there are even fewer people who may possibly understand what I'm looking for. This isn't a multicultural country I'm in.


Well-Known Member
god i want to knwo more and more where you live!!.. heheheh... SOunds like a wierd ass country..and what the hell are you doing there?..lol


Active Member
Here are three photos of the entire garden section at my local supermarket/department store (it's combined into one store). This is the only place where gardening supplies are available to me.

The garden shops here only sell flowers and potted plants but no supplies. I have tried to get stuff and have asked them before about it to no avail. i did get some soil once and when I got home and checked it, found it to be complete carp full of unwanted material. I wasn't going to sift through that shit to find anything useful, F#$% that.

For those of you who were wondering what country I'm in, look at the bags down on the bottom shelf in the photos and see if you can work out which country it is.



Active Member
Oh, I forgot to ask. How long after they've recovered do you reckon I should wait bofore I switch to a 12/12 light cycle for budding?


Well-Known Member
damn dude... is that Indian?.. Korean?... I just don't know..lol... Dude that doesn't look like that bad of a store.. a little small for selection... form the looks of the cart and shit it would seem like they would have more stores... those bags look like some version of miracle grow... What i would try and do is ask one ofthe workers at the store where you can get bigger bags of those... It might point you in the right direction.. Why is the internet out of the question?


Active Member
You got it on your second guess. It's Korea.

I've tried asking them but all I get is "I don't know" or "they're not allowed to tell where they get their stuff."

As for using the internet, that would be too much of a give away for this country. Almost all foreigner mail is opened by customs here.

I'm in the southern part of the country. I don't want to say the name of the city where I live on the internet, sorry.

If you do find some good stores in the southern part of the country, still let me know as I can drive to them. It would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Those photos make it look like more than it really is. Those bags second shelf from the bottom are just different size stones for putting on top of your soil to make it look pretty.

So really, there are two differnt types of potting mix. There was only one type last time I went in, lol. There two diffent kinds of bug spray some sort of fertilizer but with no info on it and two types of liquid fertizer which comes in a small bottle and you stick the bottle in the potting mix. The rest is just tools for gardening and seeds for some vegetables.

I was lucky enough to find some 'Ph up' and 'Ph down' in the pet section where them have some aquarium stuff.


Active Member
dam you got balls growing in that country i remember like 5 or 10 years a ago an american teen got caught steeling road signs there and got caned!!! with a big stick good luck and stay safe.


Active Member
I'll ask this question again cause I didn't get an answer last time.

How long after they've recovered do you reckon I should wait bofore I switch to a 12/12 light cycle for budding?


Well-Known Member
that all depends on how big you want your plants man... plants double in size and some time triple when put in 12/12... you decide how much room you have

good luck..