leaves curling under like a claw *pics*


Well-Known Member
Hello there first timer here just experiencing some difficulty in the form of these leaves curling under like a claw. 2x 1000w coco 3gal pots vegged 8wks (too long heh) didnt flush between veg and flower using cns17 3 part, protekt antifungal, calmag, hygrozyme been PH to 6.5 this around wk3 of flower thanks for any inputs :) last two waterings have been straight water about to water right now again prolly gonna use plain water unless IMG_20110731_133925.jpgIMG_20110731_133933.jpgsuggested differently, thanks again!


Chances are its the heat or humidity level. Either that or you can be experiencing watering problems. Maybe even a combo of 2 or all 3.


Well-Known Member
ok daytime temps are 79-82 then after the lights go off I have the fan running fifteen minutes an hour should I let the fan run all night to keep rh down?


Im not quite sure to be honest, I dont want to give you false information, but I do know that those are the main causes of plants curling like that. You may want to reffer to a more experienced grower than I for that.


New Member
Nitrogen toxicity or you have you have something eating at your roots. Heat stress causes the leaves edges and tips to curl up, not down. Check your medium for bugs. If you do not find any then you need to flush them well and then just 1/4 strenght nutes for a week or so why they recover. The curled leaves will remain curled so watch your new growth for signs of recovery.......


Active Member
i had a similar problem in my previous grow, it turned out to be a nitrogen toxification, i was using a foliar spray with a very high n level and i was using it too often on top of that.. im not saying that this is what you have done but my leaves looked very similar to that... what i did to stop the problem was pretty much stop using the spray, i also flushed my soil to be sure an brought the nutes bak slowly ~Watchowldoit is right the damaged leaves wont get better so watch for new growth for signs of improvement, the more information you can give people on what nutes you have been using etc will help u get to the bottom of this, im not saying it is but i agree in saying its possibly a nitrogen overdose maybe?


Well-Known Member
looks like your basic nute burn. been there, grown that lol. and ditch the hygrozyme.


Well-Known Member
well this baby turned out to be a hermie and prolly ruined my whole tent :( found 2 hemies one SD and this SS =/ found busted pollen sacs really hoping I don end up with 2lbs seeds...


Well-Known Member
fed straight water for about a week straight til they started to yellow then brought the nutes back at half so far