Leaves curling up and diyng out, please help identifying the cause.

I dilute it 1-10 after it's been in tanks in the dark for a while, same as all the rest of the vegetable garden. The occasional straight piss might happen but it never seemd to upset any plant.
One thing though I remember now, I did bend it over a bit to givesome breathing space to the others as they all grew a bit large. But no visible damage was done to the stalk as I slowly pulled it, over several days. This was about a month ago.
Could this be a bad reaction to that?

To be clear: I piss in tanks, store them for a while, depending how fast I use it, got about 30l in stock so probaly a couple weeks or more, and then I dilute it 1-10 with water and irrigate the plants.
I take a shit then dilute it 1-10 with piss mixed with a touch of spit. Works great.
Yeah you're right I didn't say much sorry. Regarding conditions they get lots of sunlight, it's been hot like 80-90 degrees during the day but the evening have been a bit cooler, like 65. they were trasplanted in fairly large holes filled with compost and well decomposed manure. The thing is that another right next to them looks just fine.
Been fertilizing with urine and was planning to start giving compost tea once flowers start to develop.
Local soil is fairly poor and quite basic, maybe they have used up all the good stuff I gave them already? I know the roots have not expanded too much because we had strong wind a couple weeks ago and the one in the second picture started to bend over, the whole root stock looked like had rotated a bit in the soil, so hence the steel pole supporting her.
Hope it's a bit more clear with all this this.
So u piss on it
I'm with @Sir Napsalot. Looks like a boring worm(s) has/have gotten inside and brought the funk with it.
Look for holes in the stalks they will have fras coming out of them. And you will find the fungal infections starting there.
If you get lucky and they aren't infected then you can actually cut the worms out by splitting the stalk/branch with a razor blade. Kill the little bastards and spray the plant with potassium bicarbonate solution.
If you find the fungus though, bag that plant and remove it. No matter what if you aren't treating your plants with a safe antifungal you are just inviting doom.
I would also hit them with some BT and spinosad while you still can.
Good luck friend!
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Also piss has a lot of sodium in it and metabolites of any medication you may be taking. It can be used as a fertilizer but should not be used often. It would be better to use fish emulsion or hydrisolate for nitrogen
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I read a gardening book by Brett L. Markham that said you could dilute your piss 8 to 1 with water and put it on your vegetable garden, but would you really want to. Hey I like saving cash on my grow but that’s too close for me. I’ll piss on my compost pile but that’s a big pile of crap anyway and it has until next spring for the microbes to break it down.
@JimmiP is talking sense in a messed up thread
I read a gardening book by Brett L. Markham that said you could dilute your piss 8 to 1 with water and put it on your vegetable garden, but would you really want to. Hey I like saving cash on my grow but that’s too close for me. I’ll piss on my compost pile but that’s a big pile of crap anyway and it has until next spring for the microbes to break it down.
@JimmiP is talking sense in a messed up thread
Yeah,,, so many better nitrogen sources....
Fish and alfalfa are my favorites. And the alfalfa gives you triacontanol too. And at $12 for forty pounds of alfalfa pellets,,, it's almost as cheap as piss.
That’s a good price for the alfalfa feed. I’m close to 25 bucks but it’s a 50 pound bag.
I’ve gotta try some fish emulsion outside, I’m topdressing with bloodmeal this year and it’s working well, but nice to get some other sources on them.
you ever soak the pellets before you use them?
That’s a good price for the alfalfa feed. I’m close to 25 bucks but it’s a 50 pound bag.
I’ve gotta try some fish emulsion outside, I’m topdressing with bloodmeal this year and it’s working well, but nice to get some other sources on them.
you ever soak the pellets before you use them?
I always soak the pellets. I also use them in teas and in my compost pile.

They get the compost hotter than heck. And it breaks everything down much faster that way.

For the compost I add just enough water so that they expand into a sludge that fills the 5g bucket they are soaking in. It mixes in fairly evenly that way.

When I top dress with them, I soak them first so they fluff up some and then watering breaks them apart more.

For tea, I add a handful to the 5 gallon bucket it's brewing in and use that to mix with 20 gallons of water giving five gallons to each plant about once a week.