Leaves Curling Up AND Down


Well-Known Member
i suggest you transplant into a smaller container. that one is overkill for that plants dinky root system. you want weed to get rootbound, when you transplant the roots expode.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I can't really start over because it is already august and too late in the season..

But now my leaves that were turning different colours and curling are now starting to dry up, what do I do?? Please, someone with experience of growing outdoors, tell me what is happening..

your plant is dying thats whats happening


Updated pictures will come soon!
So here is my plant, doing better then ever, and i haven't used nutes for almost a month now and just give it water with a pH of 6.1-6.8 every 3 or 4 days (or sometimes longer depending on the amount of sunlight)
Should I start feeding it nutes yet or just keep waiting a bit more until it gets bigger??

