Leaves curling up, any help appreciated


Well-Known Member

I have 2 small (3") plants that I've grown from seed, they were put onto a flood table over a week ago and have pretty much doubled in size since then, when I first put them in the flood table I ph'd the water to around 5.4, it keeps rising but I keep getting it back down to around 5.4-5.5 - When I first put it into the flood table I also started using nutes 'canna' and took it up to about 400ppm.

All the first week they looked great, saturday the water needed topping but instead of using plain ph'ed water I mixed it up to 400ppm (I know most wouldn't agree with this but the amount I topped up was only about 1/10th of the tank contents and this was the first top up so I can't see its a build up of something) I also used some of this mixture that was mixed up and sprayed the leaves with it as the light was going off.

Anyway so this is all that has happened and when I went up there yesterday the leaves on one were curled up along the 2 sides (not from the tip) and the leaves on the other were curled a touch but no where near as much (although this is def the stronger plant, so can probably take whatever the problem is better than the other)

When I looked today the one plants leaves seemed even more curled up than yesterday - apart from this curling and twisting of the leaves the plant looks healthy - the light is far enough away, it's cfl and doesn't need to be that far.

Looking around it seems some advice goes with overwatering, but their on the same cycle as they were all last week when things were good, and another says it could be magnesium def. which could be because the ph is too high but I think 5.4-5.5 is just nice.

So has anyone got any suggestions please - could it be that I sprayed the nute solution on the leaves? I haven't done it since in a any case.

Any help much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the reply abud

I can't sort pics just a second, but they are lush green, no color probs but some of the leaves are just curling up on the sides.

I just nipped in and sprayed them with plain ph'ed water and the light has just gone out - I figured after writting it all out there for you guys that spraying with the nute solution was about all it could have been?? and since everything was ok until i messed around on Sat I can only assume it was somethign i did that day?

still open to all suggestions tho please?


Well-Known Member
there are so many forms of leaf stress, when i added co2 to the room i set up as static my leaves started praying to the lights, what they are doing i thought was looking for co2, turns out they are stressing because the rapid increase of co2 altered the processing and uptake of nutes to the plant. in my 150 gal res about 6.8 gallons a day are lost to evaporation and food uptake. if you use the golden rule of 1/4 power top off sometimes they get a blast a bit to strong, you can freak and flush, but this can make something bad even worse.

the airstone could failed lowering the o2 levels in the water, maybe you ph'ed the top off to low/high?

we can really see alot from a picture otherwise is a guessing game


Well-Known Member
Thanks abud

I ph'd the top off to under the required but the tank wanted phing down, I ph'd the tank to 5.4-5.5

I have moved the airstone from over the far side of the tank to right near the pump, this was also done Saturday, maybe more oxygen getting to the roots has caused some shock.

Sorry I can't provide a pic yet, the missus is out and has my camera in her bag - but it really is simply the leaves curling up from the sides, like fingers on a hand.

Nothing seems to be getting any worse as I watch on and hopefully it will sort itself out - they don't look in any danger at the min anyhow

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i did the same thing! spraying them with the lights on. a few of my fan leaves did that and have not recovered. ive left them to their devices and there still the same! what the hell its just starting to bud nicely now.


Well-Known Member
I sprayed them as the lights were going off but the water was full of nutes (not sure if this matters) and I've only realised since but it was ph'd low - maybe around 4.2 if I remember rightly - wasn't thinking right.

i think they'll be alright in the end