Leaves Curling Upward Help Plz


[HR][/HR]Hey everyone, thanks for taking the opportunity of helping me out here. So here's a little lay down. I'm growing Hawaiian Skunk in a hydro set up (Deep Water Cultivation). Using closed ventaliation system with C02. The issue I'm under going is the leaves are transpiring alot. It's to the point that it looks like a taco. I know the do this by either the light being to close, too much direct wind, or a possible Mg issue. I usually have my 400 watt lamp roughly a foot in a half to two feet away, the temp is ususally 75-80, and I just turned off the fans. Ph level is 5.9 - 6.0, humidity is at 55 but has been increasing due to the transpiration of the plant. The nutrients I'm using is FloraNova which has 1.5% Mg and I just purchased a secondary additive called Cal-Mag which has an additional 1.2% Mg. I'll add some pics at the bottom to see what you guys think and any information would be helpful.



Well-Known Member
Does the room get enough fresh air? I see you have a good exhaust and such, so I'm guessing you've got it down, but maybe you're not getting enough intake. Do you have an HPS light? It's not as hot and the plants might respond well to it if you've got your nutes and everything else down. (How do the roots look?) Do you use H202? I would add that to oxygenate the roots and cleanse the res. (Just a little dab, maybe a tbsp to the whole res would probably be plenty.) It might also help kill any viruses or pathogens which may be lurking in the water - might be out of left field, but ya never know. Other than that, I wish I could help more but I'm no expert. I will say it doesn't look like a deficiency, but just heat stress plain and simple. Either that or the plant is sick. I've heard of giving plants aspirin for that - no joke. But maybe if you can reduce the heat and get more fresh air to start.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
do not use hydrogen peroxide you kill off all good microbes, no mention of res temps but my best guess is your ec is off and the plants are locked out and cant get enough water, the response they are showing is a reaction to lack of water uptake and heat as a compounded problem

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
for the record the magic number for hid's maximum light penetration is 18" above the canopy, to far and you lose yield, to close and you heat stress your shit


Well in my closed ventaliation system I have two exhaust fans and one intake fan. One exhaust fan is keeping the light cool throughout the day, the other turns on every hour for about five minutes. It cfm is 170 which largely bigger then my tent. The intake fan is a 160 cfm which turns on when the 170 cfm turns on to counter balance any negative pressure from the tent. As far as my roots are concerned they are extremely healthy. I'm using roots excelurator and the roots are just all bunching up and at the bottom of the bucket. Now I do admit that the plant is growing at a very rapid rate. In 3 weeks the plant has grown from seedling to about 2 feet tall already. The roots are nice and white and does have an air stone in the bucket. There is about a three inch gap between the water level to the base of the container that holds the clay pepples. My Ec has been calibrated and since they are still babies I had the ppms around 600. Im thinking of increasing them to about 900 this week. Everytime i open the tent i can definetly feel the humidity in there like crazy so the plant is definetly transpiring alot.


Another thing just to update you guys. So the air stone that is in the bucket. It creates quite a bit of air that kinda pushes up a bit like a hot spring. Not with a lot of pressure though more like a small lump or camel hump you can say. Do you think that could be causing the plants to stranspire? I"m just trying to find things that seem a bit off let me know what you think. Think of it this way to give you a visual look at your thumb, now lets say your joint (knuckle) just under your nail is the water level. From that place to the tip of your thumb is roughly the amount the water bubbles up in the center. Maybe the air stone pressure is too high?