Leaves curling


Hi! So my auto ak47 has got some leaves curling upwards! I don't think it's from the plant being too close to the light! It's definitely not over watering or from giving to much nutrients!Could it be from bad air circulation?I have two 150m3/h fans in and out! one of them have carbon filter on!
They are one month and one week old, just started to flowering under 250 hps!


im not sure whats goin on but i see you have alot of gap in-between diff layers of leafs.. dont that usually mean not strong enough light for all them or not close enough? and fans blowing on the plants really up build up stem strength. and idk much about nutrient deficiency but kinda looks like zn deficiency
good luck man


a lot of gap in-between diff layers of leafs is because leafs where curling before and I had to lift the lamp and that work out but now it isnt!
obviously yesterday was the first day I was giving nutrients for them! before they had just H2O! I gave them fox farm big bloom!
Yes there just that one fan leaf! and its for balast because its heats a lot!
I cant check my ph because I dont know how my phmeter works! :D:D may be its broken! but I will find out, soon, some how! :D