Leaves drooping / some yellowish crisping up please help asap!


Can someone please help i have no idea why my leaves are drooping and some are turning yellow and crisping up, need any help i can get.


Well-Known Member
is it too hot get a thermometer to find out, maybe youv over fed them nutrients, maybe theyv got thrip chek the soil closely on top pour water on to the soil and zoom in to see if any little white bugs running about chek the underside of the leaves for bugs preferably with a magnifying glass to see spidermite possibly how old are the plants are they in flower as leaves drop off naturally during flowing need more info or pics to help you rly could be lots of things


Well-Known Member
Well said MrMoores... These less than desirable conditions could be the result of any number of factors, so having light meters, thermometers, pH test kits, and knowing what exactly is in the medium being used are such crucial things to have at one's disposal when trying to determine what the underlying problem(s) may be caused by... U can really never have too many tools to maintain proper conditions... But, there is so much to be learned from sheer experience and repetidiveness in cultivation... After a while, some of these tools may and may not be as necessary to rely on, once you can learn to "read" your plants' conditions oneself...


Well-Known Member
"ph test kit" lol i remember i had about 40 blue cheese in 1 litre air pots gettin a nice mass on em, but they were yellow and feeble for weeks even after i sprayd the leafs with "plant vitality plus" and fed the soil with "knat off" soil was preferted i just added tiny bits of feed couldnt understand it i chekt my ph meter n it was out by about 3 points pissed me rite off lol, so yea... maintain ur maintenance