Hello everyone, this is actually my first post and first grow so please bare with me and give me pointers on the correct form of posting if im doing this wrong in any way shape or form lol, I started my grow diary already at my seedling stage so I have no past pics on my problem starts as I noticed one of my 2 plants growth stopped as the other continued, the leaves are turning a bit yellowish and I can see some tiny burns on the tips and edges.. I first assumed it was to close to the light but my 2nd plant is even closer to it and is just fine .. im running which im pretty sure is T5 .. their 5x 54W tubes.... so I brushed the light issue off and moved on to watering sense I read about over watering or underwatering , I was watering at about ( day 1 - yes , day 2 - no , day 3 yes) and spray misting with water everyday lol so i figured it was too much I switched to ( day 1 - yes , day 2 - no , day 3 - no ) and no more spray misting ...ALSO my plant that looks unhealthy was reburied, as in the stem was long and strechy so I reburied it to the foliage ...PLEASE help give me any tips and pointers on how to help my baby =( It just looks like it stopped growing and is getting sick i wish my camera focued better so i could take a pic of the burn but all u can really see is the wilting and yellowing ..