Leaves Dying like 1 week in flowering


Well-Known Member
Im growing here in LA county California
IM growing inside but i have 2 flourescent light bulbs as light for the plant idk how many wattz
i think i water it alot like prolly everyday but i just spray the water on the leaves and stem cause last week i watered it normally and the soil is still sorta wet
i heard thats better to do to imitate wind and all that sorta stuff. I use no nutrients but i do have happy frog potting soil as the soil
this is a master kush strain and idk how old it is i got it as a clone like 2 weeks ago right when i got it it started flowering already
some leaves are brown and dying and the spots thaat keep growing are all light green I have no idea whats wrong with it i think i was cause i was over watering but i need your feed back and yes it has rooted and i transfered it to the pot its in like last week


toss it out. it is not worth getting caught. try again and do some better preperation and research. sry not trying to be rude but u wont be happy with results unless you do it right


Well-Known Member
Can you at least help?
im not worried bout getting caught
what do you suppose is the problem
ever day at around noon or when the sun is bright enough i put the plant outside so it can get some sunlight then when sun is gone i bring it back inside and use the lights


Well-Known Member
kinda looks like nute burn but u say u arent using any. Do u know the N-P-K values of the soil ur using? Do u know what ur ph levels are at? What light cycle do u have it on since u say it started flowering?


Well-Known Member
kinda looks like nute burn but u say u arent using any. Do u know the N-P-K values of the soil ur using? Do u know what ur ph levels are at? What light cycle do u have it on since u say it started flowering?
I have used no Nutes
and isk the values i just heard from a fellow grower that it was good for cloning
i have it at a 12/12 cycle right now


Well-Known Member
I have used no Nutes
and isk the values i just heard from a fellow grower that it was good for cloning
i have it at a 12/12 cycle right now
This is what the Soil is made up of though
but idk what the NPK value is of it
doesnt sayy
umm Composted forest humus, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, earthworm casting, bat guano, humic acid ( derived from leonardite), oyster shell and dolomite lime.
Someone told me it can be from over watering..
what are the other possibilities it can be.?
flourecent lights are not the best light for flowering also you shouldnt water soil until it looks and feels like it is begining to dry. also your leaves are dying beacause you have not gave them any nutes at all. even in soil your plant needs some kind of well balanced diet to look bright and healthy :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
flourecent lights are not the best light for flowering also you shouldnt water soil until it looks and feels like it is begining to dry. also your leaves are dying beacause you have not gave them any nutes at all. even in soil your plant needs some kind of well balanced diet to look bright and healthy :bigjoint::bigjoint:
But will the lights work for like 2 weeks until i get paid and buy better lights?
another question what are some affordable lighting?
and what kind of Nutez should i go get as well?
its just some of the leaves and i trimmed off the leaves that were practically already dead. will this help so the plant will not have to focus on those dying elaves anymore?
and the flowering spots look mighty healthy they are a nice light green with alot of white hairs that are turning orange or well half are white and half are orange. doesnt seem to be able with that just the leaves that produce the shade and shit the bigg leaves.


Well-Known Member
But will the lights work for like 2 weeks until i get paid and buy better lights?
another question what are some affordable lighting?
and what kind of Nutez should i go get as well?
its just some of the leaves and i trimmed off the leaves that were practically already dead. will this help so the plant will not have to focus on those dying elaves anymore?
and the flowering spots look mighty healthy they are a nice light green with alot of white hairs that are turning orange or well half are white and half are orange. doesnt seem to be able with that just the leaves that produce the shade and shit the bigg leaves.
Does anyone know if Snow Storm Ultra will work for a potassium deficet
cause it says its a potassium supplement 0-0-3
and what other Nutes should i go buy to make this plant get back to health?
anyone plz helpp
im in desperate need i dont wanna messs up my buds....
But will the lights work for like 2 weeks until i get paid and buy better lights?
another question what are some affordable lighting?
and what kind of Nutez should i go get as well?
its just some of the leaves and i trimmed off the leaves that were practically already dead. will this help so the plant will not have to focus on those dying elaves anymore?
and the flowering spots look mighty healthy they are a nice light green with alot of white hairs that are turning orange or well half are white and half are orange. doesnt seem to be able with that just the leaves that produce the shade and shit the bigg leaves.
for flowering you should use an HPS light and you can get any brand nutes you choose. try fox farm if your new to nutes. if all you have is cfl's is all you got for now then they will have to work. how many watts of cfl? and how many weeks are you in flower?


Active Member
Looks to be nute deficiency to me...the plant is probably hungry for nutes. Especially in flower stage these have to be present or the plant will have to start using its' own resources and thus cause your leaves to look as they do. I would recommend buying a nute mix that has your micro nutrients already in it or just buy a bloom nute solution and then the micro nutrients separately.


Well-Known Member
Looks to be nute deficiency to me...the plant is probably hungry for nutes. Especially in flower stage these have to be present or the plant will have to start using its' own resources and thus cause your leaves to look as they do. I would recommend buying a nute mix that has your micro nutrients already in it or just buy a bloom nute solution and then the micro nutrients separately.
Thank you for your help.
a few questions
my soil has a bunch of nutrients in it already.
would i still need to buy more?
im using happy frog soil
it has like bat guano, earthworm castings, composted forest humus
and all that.
and i have this potassium supplement called snow storm ultra would that help at all?


Well-Known Member
for flowering you should use an HPS light and you can get any brand nutes you choose. try fox farm if your new to nutes. if all you have is cfl's is all you got for now then they will have to work. how many watts of cfl? and how many weeks are you in flower?
thnak you for your input
im using fox farm happy frog potting soil i was told it already had alot of nutrients in it
like bat guano, earrthworm castings, and composite forest humus.
and my CPL's are i think 50 watts each but i have 3 of em now.
and im i think like 2 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
This is some piks of how it looks like now.
havent watered cause soil isnt dry ewnough yet.
and only nute ive added is this snow storm ultra
which is a potassium supplement
i trimmed some of the leaves that were dying off. lettme know what you think is wrong with it.?
the leaves that are wilting are on the top
the two big fan leaves.
you think it'll be okay to trim those off to?
since there are new ones to replace them?