leaves folding up


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted this blue cheese and 3 dairy queens on thursday from solo cups to 3 gallon pots. I started nutes late so the BC is kinda yellow. Im growing in promix with hydroponics-research veg+bloom dirty for nutes. I fed 600ppm in distilled water when i transplanted. I thought all was going well until i checked them tonight. The BC top leaves folded up. Im hoping this is just stress from the transplant but im new to this so im not sure. They handled 550ppm nutes ok so i bumped it up to what i was told was the max for Dirty in veg. I dont see signs of nute burn just yellow like they are deficient still. the pots are still pretty damp from thursday so i probably wont have to water for at least 3 days. Any insight would be appreciated.

pics 4,5 and 6 are the BC



Well-Known Member
This is like the 3rd or 4th post today I commented on overwatering. You seem to have the same issue, let them dry out a little more. Their doing the taco shell look.