Leaves getting bad and spreading have pics plz help!!!

Posted some pics here a couple days ago of a really healthy plant.She had 1 leave that looked like this but i cut if off about a week ago_Over the past 3 days all the leaves have started to look like this.Its extremely bad on the top leaves.Im assuming its a deficiency of some sort,however i havent added or taken away anything lately.Any suggestions?????



Well-Known Member
looks like rust fungus to me, I can tell you what NOT to do, DO NOT use fungaflor ( anywhere you have live plants anyway).


Well-Known Member
truthfully I just had my plants do that just before they went into flower, I used fungaflor tr per my hydro shops instructions and damn near killed everything in the room, my plants stopped growing for a long time and the places that got hit by the fungaflor spray looked much much worse than wtf ever it was the plants had. I'm still not sure that it was rust fungus but it seemed to clear up after the fungaflor but at a cost. My plants were stunted so bad, yield was like a zip per plant when my first grow I didnt have one plant under 5 zips .
I dunno if thats a rust fungus or a deficiency but if its doing the same thing over a period of time and thru res changes I'd think it would clear up if it were a deficiency.
Dam 5 zips a plant thats good man.This is the first time ive ever seen this Ill try n wait it out for a day or 2 i guess maybe even cut off a few of the leaves and see if i can stop it from spreading.It looks like so many other pics on here though so its hard to tell exactly what kinda deficiency it could be if thats what it is.If anyone else has any suggestions feel free to drop em.
Thats exactly how my leaves are looking i moved it to a seperate room to prevent it from spreading to my other plants if it is some type of fungus.Im gonna keep surfing n see if i can find more info if anyone thinks its a deficiency let me know what kind.


Well-Known Member
all tell you what if it is a ph or fert issue the best way to fix it would be to flush and give a fresh dose of what ever it is you feed them??
I havent changed my fert or feeding regimen for 5 weeks now,this kinda came outa nowhere thats why im confused.Ive also never flushed a plant in soil how would i go about that??


Well-Known Member
all tell you what if it is a ph or fert issue the best way to fix it would be to flush and give a fresh dose of what ever it is you feed them??
The problem was pretty persistent with me and was over the course of 3 res changes or so, I'm all over ph too , we set that daily here, set to 5.8 and let drift up to 6.1 .


Well-Known Member
I use to always get a very similar outbreak on my og kush. After trying many different things i noticed that more calcium always cleared it up and prevented it from coming back. Try that before you try anymore desperate measures. Its cheap and nothing bad for the plant if its not. Try it out let me know
Thanks man Ill drop by my hydro store tommorow n see what they reccomend for increasing my calcium levels give it a few days n let yall know how that goes.If that dont work i guess ill flush it and go from there.Like i said ive never flushed a plant in soil how do i go about doing that?


Well-Known Member
so far I've seen this diagnosed as a phosphorus deficiency, a maganese deficiency and a calcium deficiency. I've also seen it called salt build up.
Ill go with calcium deficieny first and treat it for that and go from there.If that doesent work ill try treating for another deficiency.Ill take pics along the way to keep yall update and let this plant be a test subject so we can all figure out how to truly solve this problem.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Rust colored brown spots are classic Calcium deficiency. Many different ways to get it, Reggae is on the right track. Flush and replenish.

I'm really surprised to see this so late in flowering though. Makes me want to caution you about spider mites as the damage they cause is similar... but you'd know if you had 'em given the progression of the problem.

It almost looks like you've been foliar feeding your plants without a surfactant. Little droplets of water act like prisms focusing light and burning small holes like that.

I am 99% confident this is not Phosphate deficiency.
Could be fungus... but probably not.
I am 99% confident this is just a Calcium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
cant be phosphate def leafs get more darker yellow and it dosent happen in spots more like blotches, Mag deficiency is a brighter color yellow and runs in lines with the leafs tissue lines. As for salt build up also doesn't happen in brown spot and how the hell would it happen on the very top unless ur using a folier spray with 55% nutrient salt in it. Well if ur doing that they deserve to die hehe JK. Calcium is the only thing that makes sense in this scenario well spider mites KINDA leave the same marks but not that many and u would see tons of little spiderwebs every where. And the marks would be a hole not just a mark. Trust me bro like i said before its calcium def. Seen it plenty of times. It wont make the marks go aweay but the new growth wont have it for 100%
I def don’t spray my plants with anything. I have a feeling yall are right and it is calcium deficiency.Ive checked my room from top to bottom ever since it happened to eliminate the probability of it being spider mites. Like I said I’ve quarantined the plant from my others just to make sure in case it was a fungus it doesn’t spread.Im about to head to my local hydro shop to pick up some nutes to fix that imbalance. Could someone tell me how I go about flushing my plant in soil as I’ve never done this?