leaves getting dark spots and drying up


Well-Known Member
My leaves are getting small dark spots that grow and end up drying out the whole leaf. It is happening on each leaf on the plant. I have a pic but don't know how to post it on my phone. If someone can help that would be great thanks.


Active Member
sounds like phosphorus to me. Dark almost black spots that grow and dry up. eventually the leaf falls off leaving a healthy stem behind. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Is there anything I can do to stop it? Is it a burn?
Does it look like this?brown-purpleleafoct16_zpsd31668e3.jpg
If it does, then yes, I believe it is Phosphorus.
I have this same problem.
Mine is due to extended cold, I had a week of 38-44 degree nights, and that's when it started.
That was last week, and now almost all my leaves that got affected like that are drying and falling off, even though I have been bringing inside at night.
I watered once with plain water last week, then again with a little more than I usually use of the 0-15-11 ferts that I use, along with the normal 1 tsp/ gal. of molasses that I use.
I have new leaves developing now, so I'm not real worried about it, but still, I am going to lose almost all my fan leaves I think.


Well-Known Member
Yes similar to the pic you posted. If someone can help me with posting a pic I can show you. It is happening to my critical + and I'm pissed because its the only one I have. I also noticed it on my kandy lush and pineapple express although not as bad


Active Member
Feed with a complete NPK.
If you can get your hands on some P fert that would be ideal. Feed it moderatly though. What is your Ph at? That could also be the prob.


Well-Known Member
From your context box when posting a thread, either scroll down below, and click manage attachments and upload your pics from host like Photobucket, or directly from your computer. When you're done, you can click the 'insert line' box down in the bottom right of that picture box, then close it.
When your preview of message comes up, if you double click the pic you want, another box will open, allowing you to center the pic, and second line has option to change size.
**NOTE** there is no option to rotate pics, so you need to do that before uploading.


Well-Known Member
First, you could tell us how old the plants are, if you're feeding, and what, soil, PH like 4lomo asked, which could be affecting your nutes also.

More details / info=better chance of accurate / correct suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Plants are a little over a month old. Transplanted about a week ago. Planted in fox farm light warrior. Transplanted into ocean forest. The first time I watered her when i transplanted her my hotwater heater went out and the water was cold(didn't have any in jugs sitting out.) I used a little fox farm grow big nutes when i first saw the dark spots.

I got home yesterday and got some room temp water and some nutes and watered her again. I haven't been back to see her yet. I deleted the pic out of my phone so ill take another when i get home.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the ph. I've done a harvest already with no problems with the water. I'm thinking it was the temp of the water but I have know idea about these things.


Well-Known Member
Water was pretty cold. Had to work two jobs yesterday lights were off when I got home.they look like the pic someone posted on the first page but worse. Leaf is dark purple or black and drying up but the stem is fine. Whole plant is affected. I'll try to pist a pic today. Sorry about the wait


Well-Known Member
Ya, that was my plant, got Phosphorus lockout due to the cold when I left it out.
You can expect a LITTLE color to come back, but not much, and most of the affected leaves will end up falling off.


Well-Known Member
You can try running some water through it (3-4x what you would normally water), but I think that;s a gonner.
Have you figured out what your PH is yet?
You might have water with PH so high you are lockedout.


Well-Known Member
I don't have anything to check ph. Been real busy lately trying to catch up on bills. I'm pissed off about her. She was doing so good then one morning she had spots and the next day she looked like the pic. Guess ill have to order more seeds : ( lol I'm real hurt that was my favorite one