Leaves have 'rusty' spots and fringes - 6 weeks old outdoor

Hi I agree with Growerbabe.
Can be a phenotypical Problem.

When I saw the pics first, I was thinking about too mich iron.
But since other plants in same enviroment are fine...I was wrong.

As for a Silicia source.... I use horsetail tea or fermented horsetail.
Can be used as a Spray and with watering.
When sprayed it will also keep away some trouble like mold and some gritters.

I guess it was a root Problem.
Experienced this couple of Times with clones and seedlings.
All good but one a cripple in the same enviroment (even same batch of clones sometimes).
After transplanting and some Time Symptoms disapeared.

Too much Iron in water or soil also can be a serious brainfucker.

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